Receipt uploading but not showing in my transactions

MirandaMiranda Member Posts: 4

I have just started using Wave and I have uploaded my receipts, checked them and verified them. Once done, I have moved over to the Accounting - Transaction tab, but I cannot see any of my receipts/expenses on this page.
I have tried to search for solutions, but haven't seem to find any. Please assist in what I am doing wrong.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Miranda.

    Can you show me a screenshot of one of those receipts? I'd love to help but I'll need a bit more details.

    Could you have used "Owner's Investments/Drawings" as the payment account? That would make it so the transaction wouldn't appear in your transactions page. If that's the case and you're looking for a workflow to handle paying for business expenses out of a personal bank account, here's how we recommend doing it.

  • MirandaMiranda Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia ,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I didnt use "Owners Investment/Drawings", but cash-on-hand.
    Please see screenshot below:

    edited June 21, 2018
  • MirandaMiranda Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia,

    It has suddenly started uploading my new receipts. I have had to delete ALL the receipts that I originally uploaded which was very frustrating, but it seems to work now.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Miranda.

    I'm sorry to hear you aren't satisfied with your experience with receipt uploading. I know that depending on volume, it can sometimes take a bit of time after validating a receipt before they show up on the Transactions page, but I'll make sure to bring this up with the appropriate team to see what can be done to prevent this from happening again.

    Can you tell me roughly how much time passed between when you validated your receipts and when they started appearing on the Transactions page?

  • MirandaMiranda Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia,

    The receipts update and validate immediately now. The original ones never validated, thus my action of deleting them.

    Thanks for following up.

    Many Thanks,

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm happy to hear that, @Miranda! Thanks for letting us know!

  • DJostDJost Member Posts: 2

    Same here. I already had the transactions loaded, went back and started scanning receipts — the receipts show up in RECEIPTS but NOT in TRANSACTIONS. I want to be able to have the proof of receipt attached to the transaction — thats the point of it all, I think... not sure what I am doing incorrectly here! Can you advise?

  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭


    Hi there!

    As far as I can tell if you're uploading your receipts, those transactions are already going to be created automatically, with the information from that receipt.

    If you've got your bank connected/you're downloading your transactions from your bank already, then you're going to see those transactions in your accounts twice. Best bet here is going to be either deleting the bank connection transaction or simply merging those two amounts together.

    See this link:

    I don't think there is a way to merge them if you manually imported the transactions, but I could be wrong as I have not manually brought in transactions without using the receipt app.

    I hope that sheds a little light on the matter.

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