
Purchase Orders

bruskiezabruskieza Member Posts: 2

Hi all.
I need to be able to create a purchase order which I then send to the supplier as confirmation of my order to them. How do I go about this as all I see is Bills which is not what I require?



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    David AbbondanzioDavid Abbondanzio Member Posts: 1

    How do I (can I?) create a purchase order to sent to my vendor? Creating a Bill looks like it's just an internal bookkeeping tool but I need to create an actual purchase order to send to my supplier.

    edited March 14, 2018
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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hey David, you've got this right - at the moment Wave has the ability to create bills but not purchase orders. If you needed to, you could print the bill directly from the web page, but I understand that's not a perfect solution.

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    danroyerdanroyer Member Posts: 1

    Man... that's gotta change! Quickly!

    How do you do business without Purchase Orders?!

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    David AbbondanzioDavid Abbondanzio Member Posts: 1

    Thanks Charlotte for the reply. Is this on the product roadmap? It doesn't seem much harder than an invoice (which is already implemented). I would love to continue using wave but this one thing will probably prevent me from doing so. And since POs are a standard business practice I can't imagine that I'm alone in this boat.... which I had to borrow since I couldn't actually buy it becaus Wave couldn't generate a purchase order for me to the boat company ... not to mention the paddles. ;)

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi David, thanks for the reply. I don't have information regarding whether this is on the roadmap at the moment. If you're interested in offering any additional feedback, that's of course always welcome!

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    Seung LeeSeung Lee Member Posts: 1

    You guys really need PO functionality. It's frustrating that you don't have it. I might have to go back to Quickbooks b/c of it. It DEFINITELY SHOULD BE ON YOUR ROADMAP. SILLY FOR IT NOT TO BE.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Seung, everyone - happy to receive any additional feedback or conversation regarding this matter. At this time, I have no additional information beyond what I mentioned above. I'd like to ensure the conversation remains productive; additional comments that do not offer constructive information may be removed.

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    James GigrichJames Gigrich Member Posts: 1

    Purchase Order ability is critical to modern day business transactions. If this capability is not implemented sooner than later you will most likely lose a lot of customers including myself.

    We appreciate your understanding and wish you can implement this soon.

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    bothendsceylonbothendsceylon Member Posts: 2

    P.O option is critical. We need P.O option soon.

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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi all! @David Abbondanzio @danroyer @Seung Lee @James Gigrich @bothendsceylon
    A cool workaround I think might solve your PO woes - you can hack together totally functional purchase orders using Wave's Estimates feature!

    The estimates are fully customizable, including the title (ie, you can change the title "estimate" from Estimate to Purchase Order), and creating an estimate doesn't affect your A/R balance. Just make the estimate number whatever you want the PO number to be, and go to town! You can then quote this number on the final invoice later, in the spot for PO/SO numbers :) let me know if you have any questions!

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    riteshritesh Member Posts: 1

    An estimate is related to invoicing though. The preview shows it as billing a client. Unless I'm missing something, it can't be used for a purchase order. Has anybody managed to use it in this way?

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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @ritesh an estimate is of course related to invoicing :) What I'm suggesting is that the Wave estimate feature can be tweaked to be functionally a PO. Please take a look at the attached screenshot for reference.

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    CatnissCatniss Member Posts: 1

    Fake it until you make it I guess ....using an estimate form for a PO?
    Wave has been dynamic for me running my small business -- but as my business is expanding PO functionality is a requirement. An estimate is used to track potential income and then can be flipped to an invoice -- Purchase orders are expenses. Opposite sides of the track. I look forward to having wave roll Purchase order functionality out :) Do you think it could happen this first quarter?

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    NorsinNorsin Member Posts: 3

    Dear Wave team,

    Are you going to add purchase order function and when?

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    RMSRMS Member Posts: 1

    This is not perfect, but I have been using this free PO generator for now since Wave does not have it as an option yet.

    It might help, or not... haha

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    bkhan2814bkhan2814 Member Posts: 2

    @ Sophia I am not sure the 'cool work around' will work. I tried it and it asks me to change the Estimate Invoice number even though I had changed the wording to PO. Secondly, PO has the small business address, the vendor or supplier address and the ship to customer address. The estimator doesn't provide the space for these three. If you could show me how I will use it.

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    BowenBowen Member Posts: 7

    I'd be an additional vote for the feature. I think it would broaden WAVES market considerably.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi everyone.

    Purchase orders aren't something that can be created in Wave and there are currently no plans to add a purchase order feature. There's a few reasons as to why, and if you're curious, you can read a bit more about our process in selecting new features here.

    That being said, I've seen a few Wave users make a second business, and use invoices in that second business to create purchase orders without affecting the numbers in their primary business. You can modify most of the wording of invoice through the Invoice Customization page. It's not perfect, as the wording of the email sent with an invoice can't be modified, but it does work for some other Wave users. If you do choose to go that route, you'll still have to record your expenses manually after that purchase order is created.

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    YoYoYoYo Member Posts: 2

    That is not good news, I like others on this thread use purchase orders on a daily basis and having to use seperate software is far from ideal. It has been mentioned by wave that a paid for service could be offered in the future, I would gladly pay for Wave if it had PO's as part of its offering.

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    ByDesignByDesign Member Posts: 5

    That is so unfortunate. Purchase orders are a major part of the paper trail and workflow for businesses. It is a necessary feature. I hope wave will re-think this and make it a priority to implement. I had just started moving two businesses over to this platform but now I may have to rethink the move. Without purchase order capability it doesn't really work as a system.

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    BrandonFBrandonF Member Posts: 1

    @Alexia, not sure I follow the work around you mentioned above. I am a service based business and am constantly asked for purchase orders by my vendors. So, I don’t quite follow the logic about service versus product based businesses that I read in the “how we choose what to implement” section. I do hope you all reconsider. It seems like if the estimate feature works as a potential “work around” something like that could be replicated as a PO feature under purchases. If ultimately, you all are set on not adding this feature, then could you at least find an integration partner that can? I, like others, would love to be able to keep all my accounting together and not have to toggle between different programs to support my vendors. Thanks.

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    CryomanCryoman Member Posts: 2

    Oh no! Is wave working on getting POs introduced into the system? It's great software for small business, but I require POs and without them, it turns my bookkeeping into a nightmare to deal with. Please don't force me to move on, as I am happy so far...hopefully there is a change coming?

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    BillionaireBillionaire Member Posts: 1

    This is a major over sight. Accounting book keeping is all about keeping records for each and every transaction made. Purchase orders are equally important and cannot be wished away like common cold. Under purchase orders one may be able to do budget analysis to determine variance and control line item costs. Purchase orders form the basis of direct materials under cost of goods in the income statement. In a normal business some purchases will have defects leading purchase returns how will a tweaked invoice/estimate reconcil this. It will become a bug as the software hasnt provided for this. Now vat/sales tax doesn't appear on the income statement but it must be accounted for when filing sales tax returns. Wouldn't a tweaked estimate/invoice for that matter not amount to tax evasion as an estimate converted to an invoice would represent inflow in sales but the possibility of many purchase orders that reduce revenue in form of inventory would raise sales tax claim inflow against sales tax outflow. I humbly put forward the motion to have purchase order and purchase returns incorporated in wave. I love wave that's why I'm contributing to its betterment. Thanks for the good customer service.

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    MakePublicMakePublic Member Posts: 1

    Alexia and Sophia, Having seen WAVE win a top recommendation in PC Mags, I'm lost for words that not only does it not permit Purchase Orders, but WAVE have no plans to do this. I am trying to migrate off Kashflow, and the first task I wanted to do after signing up to Wave was send a PO to a supplier.

    So rather than ask you to reply because I think that isn't fair on you, having read the strident comments so far, can I ask you to ask Kirk Simpson and Paul Marshall to explain instead?

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    centricleancentriclean Member Posts: 1

    I run a service orientated business and I still need to create POs to purchase parts and supplies.

    its borderline laughable this feature isn't implemented.

    I was in the middle of becoming a customer but i'll have to migrate to something else which is too bad as I like what you have going here.


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    KITA_FragrancesKITA_Fragrances Member Posts: 3

    I have to jump onto this and add a vote to have purchase orders added. One of the reasons people have accounting software is to reduce duplication. To make up a fake purchase order and then have to redo it in a bill is silly.

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    Old_Yankee_Co1951Old_Yankee_Co1951 Member Posts: 4

    No Purchase Orders........ I'm gonna have to switch software. Please rethink your companies stance on this

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    confusedconfused Member Posts: 1

    You seem to be out of touch, Purchase orders are a basic requirement for what you're doing. You send people to your link on how you pick features and when I read it you contradict yourselves. Business 101 - Purchase orders are required by many suppliers.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi everyone, thank you again for your feedback. I'm here to let you know that we're listening and reading your comments and appreciate them.

    I can't speak to plans to offer this type of functionality at this time, but we'd love to learn more about where this fits into your business, particularly if you operate a service business. In what field do you work? Where does this fit in your workflow? What tools do you use now?

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    ChiaraChiara Member Posts: 1

    Hi guys, I run a business and my main reason for using wave is managing vendors and payments, I see everybody is frustrated about the missing PO feature and I am on the same boat. When you create the vendot invoice it tells you to insert PO number so I find it not really practical not having the PO feature that would allow me to easily create POs to send my vendors since I have all the items in wave already. I did try the estimate but it only allow to add customers, not vendors. I would have to register all the vendors twice, as customer and as vendors. You guys really need to work this out or I will have to use another software

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