
Ability to add a vendor

gabrieltomescugabrieltomescu Member Posts: 33 admin

A new feature to improve your expense by vendor reporting. You can now add a vendor on transactions.

This will allow you to get a more complete picture of your relationship with your vendors without having to create a bill for every expense.

Note that vendors can only be added to expense and refund for expense transactions.

What do you think of this feature? Has it been useful? Anything you think we can improve? Let us know below!

edited July 19, 2018 in Accounting Release Updates


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    Admin4chimneycoAdmin4chimneyco Member Posts: 2

    I love this new feature! Many of our transactions are done via CC, And the guys never bring me all the paperwork, so adding the vendor this way is so much better than having to go in and create a bill and then pay it and match it to the transaction... Now I just click add vendor!!! Love it!!

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    JustinAJustinA Member Posts: 37 admin

    @Admin4chimneyco Glad to hear you're finding the feature useful!

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    frodojrrfrodojrr Member Posts: 4

    Can I add two contacts to a vendor so both get copies of invoices?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @frodojrr . Just to clarify, you send invoices to your customers while creating Bills for your vendors. I assume you meant customers in this situation, but I'm afraid you cannot add two contact to the same customer profile. When sending your invoice, click the plus sign next to the recipient's address to add another one. This will allow you to send the same invoice to two clients/customers.

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    frodojrrfrodojrr Member Posts: 4

    I did mean customers. Thank you.

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    mandyschellercpamandyschellercpa Member Posts: 1

    Need to add the ability to batch add vendors and add a vendor field in the transaction feed. Doing this one by one is extremely tedious and likely one of the reasons people are still using QBO. Also need to be able to sort the transactions by all fields and not just dates.

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