
Bank connections in error and not showing on bank connections page

Robert LeggeRobert Legge Member Posts: 2

I have four bank connections. Two show connection errors and indicate that credentials need to be edited. But when I go to the Bank Connections page, only one bank account shows (one that is working okay) and a half-moon symbol going around and around. I've tried waiting it out, and waiting until another day, but all the bank connections will not appear on the Bank Connections page.

Help! I've wasted lots of time on this and without a solution fast, I'll need to go to a different accounting solution.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    Claire DavidsClaire Davids Member Posts: 3

    I'm having exactly the same problem. One bank account shows and then i get a spinning wheel and nothing else loads (on the bank connections page).

    A week ago i had there there was a "connection error", i put in a ticket and have waited without response.

    I've heard that Freshbooks is a good alternative - i'm going to have to check it out if this doesn't get resolved quickly because it's fast approaching the end of the year and i need my books to be up to date.

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    Christine TaborChristine Tabor Member Posts: 6

    Yes, same issue here... it has happened in the past, but I was able to resubmit credentials and it usually resolved.

    This time I'm getting the same spinning half moon, and unable to enter anything. I was hoping Wave was going to be me alternative to Quickbooks online, who keep raising their prices.And,I loved Freshbooks, but left because I didn't want to pay for two services... (QB and Freshbooks). Freshbooks does not support double entry, which is usually needed for accurate bookkeeping. I also tried "Billy" (similar to Wave) .. but had similar issues as Wave with connection to bank.

    I hope we can get this resolved... getting frustrated. I would be willing to PAY a small monthly fee (I don't need payroll)... just so I had better support and more consistent connection.

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    Claire DavidsClaire Davids Member Posts: 3

    Editing this comment.....

    Looking through other comments I saw some recommendations to clear cache, so i did that and guess what it worked.

    I'm annoyed that i have 2 open tickets (from 9 and 2 days ago) that no one has answered but at least i'm working again.

    Try clearing cache.

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    Robert LeggeRobert Legge Member Posts: 2

    Mine is now working. I'm not sure what did it.

    • I cleared my cache when I was trying to find a fix, and it did not fix it
    • I tried Chrome instead of Edge, but no luck
    • That's when I began this thread and sent in a ticket to Help/Support
    • Support sent an email with links -- all of which I had already tried to no avail -- so I replied that it was still a problem
    • In a couple days I checked and the Bank Connections page was working normally
    • Didn't get a reply to the ticket, but maybe that was what fixed it(?)

    I agree with Christine, I'd be willing to pay something for real Support.

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    Christine TaborChristine Tabor Member Posts: 6

    I was on chat same day and was told developers were working on a resolution. I was also told I would get an email when it was resolved...which I didn't yet, so gave an unsatisfactory reply to their customer service email reply device. I will be checking it out in a bit to see if it works, and will also clear cache although I do that fairly often. Fingers crossed.

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    Claire DavidsClaire Davids Member Posts: 3

    Good Luck Christine!

    I do agree - i would pay for support too - i love the simplicity of the program and it suits my business really well.

    Did you old transactions import or did you have to do that manually - it seems like my transactions since it was broken haven't imported and i'll have to enter them manually?

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    Christine TaborChristine Tabor Member Posts: 6

    They should update automatically if/when its working...I certainly would want to avoid having to import manually!

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi all, thanks for your comments. I wanted to jump in and clarify some things. I'm also glad to hear connections are now workingand will be closing this post for comments.

    Yesterday, we experienced an issue where new bank connections couldn't be added that may have also impacted the ability to update existing connections. This issue was likely the resultof an upgrade to our systems that was made earlier in the week. For issues that arise on our side, Wave has an in-house Integrations team. From the time that this issue was identified, our team worked to resolve it. The issue with the 'half moon' perpetual loading symbol is now fixed. Our Support Team works hard to ensure everyone receives updates when issues are resolved while simultaneously receiving hundreds of tickets per day so it's not always possible for this to be instantaneous.

    I'd like to also note that many (even most) bank connection issues are not fixed in-house because they are facilitated by a third party data provider. You can read more about this process and our data provider herein a post by our Director of Customer Success. When this happens, our commitment to you is to advocate for you and to keep you in the loop with respect to updates - as we receive updates from the data provider. As these issues sometimes take place over a long period of time, we offer additional options, such as uploading your transactions - a process that we've streamlined to make as easy as possible.

This discussion has been closed.