
Wave ID

d_noomed_noome Member Posts: 3

Hi Guys, can anyone tell me how to get the internal Wave system ID for customers? I integrate to Wave using Zapier and need the Wave system ID to perform a customer search. I have tried the data export function, but it does not contain the ID.
Thank you!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @d_noome.

    I'm not certain I know what you're looking for. The name we use for your customers in Wave is simply what appears as the customer/company name on this page:

    I'm not very familiar with Zapier myself, but if you tell me a bit more about the specific integration you're working with and give me a few screenshots of what you're seeing, I'm happy to ask around and see how I can help!

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    d_noomed_noome Member Posts: 3

    Hi Alexia, thanks for the response.

    I am using Zapier to create invoices. To do that, I have to perform a search in Wave to find the right customer to invoice. For that I need a unique identifier - something like a Primary Key I assume.

    The screenshot below shows data that Zapier retrieves from Wave. The number next to each customer name is the unique identifier I'm after.

    I have found a workaround for now - as I create new customers in Wave, I mail the identifier to myself with a Gmail integration. The field I need is displayed along all the other Wave customer fields and is simply referred to as ID (right at the bottom).

    It would make things easier, though if I had access to this field either in Wave itself, or via an export.

    Thanks for the help,

    edited June 27, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @D_Noome.

    I believe I found where you can see that ID. It's a string of numbers in the URL for that customer's page. On the Customers page, click on the pencil next to one of your customers, and if I'm right, that ID is the string of number after "/edit/".

    There isn't currently a way to extract all of them easily from Wave, and they aren't displayed anywhere else.

    We are working on expanding out integrations right now, so if you'd like to be kept updated on what's coming with our new API, I recommend registering your interest here.

    I'll make sure to pass along your feedback to our developers. I can't make any promises, but we do take user feedback into account when choosing what to build next, so thank you for sharing yours.

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    d_noomed_noome Member Posts: 3

    Thanks Alexia

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