
Receipts uploading from phone not showing up

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
This discussion was created from comments split from: Problems with receipts.


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    CalvinCalvin Member Posts: 4

    Hi Alexia,

    I have been uploading receipts for a few days now, but just realized all of the receipts that i uploaded recently via my phone aren't picking up on the transactions pane.

    Although they are picking up on my receipts pane.

    I have reviewed the first 100 receipts and everything else looks fine.

    Please help new user here.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Calvin! Welcome to Wave, I hope you like what you've seen thus far!

    Could it be that you've used Owner's Investments/Drawings or Owner's Equity as a payment account for those receipts? That would make it so they wouldn't show up on your transactions page since none of your business' own payment accounts would be involved in that transaction.

    If you're looking into how to best make business purchases from your personal bank account, let me know and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.

    Also, I turned your comment into its own discussion, given that it was a different issue than the one brought up in that original discussion. In the future, if you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to just create a new discussion. It'll be easier for both the admin team and for other Wavers to lend you a hand.

    edited June 20, 2018
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    CalvinCalvin Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia,

    Thanks for replying.

    But I haven’t used the owner’s investment/drawings category. All cash.

    So what I did was uploaded receipts from FEB 2014 - APR 2015: these show up on my transactions pane.

    But when I started uploading receipts from MAY 2015 it doesn’t show up on the transactions pane, but shows up on my phone and on my receipts pane on the website.

    A little confused. Is there a limitation to how many receipts I can do ?

    Thanks a lot @Alexia for your time and help.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Calvin.

    There's no limit to the number of receipts you can upload, but if you do upload a large quantity, it can take a bit of time for them to all be processed. I took a look on my Receipts Admin tool and it doesn't seem like you have anything stuck in processing. Has everything shown up now?

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    CalvinCalvin Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia,

    The receipts were always fine.

    Please take a look at my transactions.
    They aren’t picking up after April 2015.


    Thanks and regards,


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Calvin.

    Could you share a screenshot of one of the receipts that didn't make it through to the transactions page, expanded so that I can see the details of it? It'll give me the best idea of what might have happened.

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    CalvinCalvin Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia,

    Please see attached, from main menu>purchases>receipts: here I can see all the receipts I’ve logged through my phone or by email.

    I’ve gone ahead and taken a screenshot of some receipts from MAY 2015 which are updated on the same.

    Now take a look at the next pane, main menu>accounting>transactions: the same MAY 2015 receipts aren’t even recorded on the transactions.

    Why is that?

    I hope you understood my problem.

    Thanks and regards,


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