Custom Reconciliation Ending Balance Date

BuSolBuSol Member Posts: 3

I'm trying to reconcile the credit card account. The credit card statement runs from the 2nd or 4rd of the month to the 2nd or 3rd of the following month. I keep getting difference because I cannot set the ending balance as stated on the credit card statement. For example 08/02/2017. Can this be done? Right now I have to back date those transactions that falls on the 1stn, 2nd or 3rd of the month that's included in for example July statement. Look forward to some clarification. When I try to set the date with the ending date i get this error. Thanks.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @BuSol.

    You're encountering this issue because the month of your end-date needs to match the month you are working on. in your situation, just use the date from the previous month instead. So your July reconciliation end date should be the 2nd or 4th of July, for example.

  • BuSolBuSol Member Posts: 3

    Hi, @Alexia

    Thank you, I got you. Much appreciated.

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