page is slow

NSBMESNSBMES Member Posts: 2

why page loading is too slow?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @NSBMES.

    There haven't been reports of issues with Wave's speed, but I'm happy to help you troubleshoot this. Can you tell me what you're doing specifically when you experience slowdowns?

    You could try clearing your browser's cache, as well as deactivating any extension. That sometimes speeds things up.

    Which browser do you use? Do you use a VPN?

  • OlgaOlga Member Posts: 1
  • eepsmediaeepsmedia Member Posts: 3

    Totally agree. Page loads are very slow. Chrome, Mac, no VPN.

    Also (as noted in other posts) strangely slow responsiveness on redraws, and some tips take too long to vanish. For example, select some transactions. Click Verify. Now try to select another transaction. Nope! While you were clicking, the list partially redrew and the one you were pointing at has moved.

  • erin0929erin0929 Member Posts: 1
    Still very slow. Any updates on when this will be fixed?
  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @erin0929 would you be able to let me know more about your browsing environment to help troubleshoot this? What browser are you using and, if any, what browser extensions are being used? There are instances where the browser type and/or extensions slow down performance on Wave.

    Additionally, it may also help if you clear your browser's cache and cookies -- this has proven to help our users in select cases.

  • AlistairRAlistairR Member Posts: 1

    Mostly it seems to be the SVGs that take a long time.

    **Environment: **
    Mac Mojave
    Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    Using an IKEv2 VPN through Taiwan, as I'm in China and it's actually slower without. Speeds are decent enough on other sites

  • pdxmusicmanpdxmusicman Member Posts: 3

    The Wave software is always slow for me, regardless of the browser. I've used Chrome, EPIC, and Edge. For my latest test, I'm using Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0. I cleared out my cookies and browser cache, restarted the PC, and I'm only running Edge, nothing else open, no other tabs open in Edge, I haven't installed any extensions. I logged into Wave, went to transactions, changed the filter to only show the 2018 transactions. Once that page loaded (default 50 transactions), I changed it to show 100 transactions and then waited 43 seconds for the page to finish refreshing.

    From there, I changed the ALL CATEGORIES filter to UNCATEGORIZED and waited 36 seconds for the page to finish refreshing.

    Next, I clicked on DESCRIPTION to sort the entries by name and waited 29 seconds for that operation to complete.

    This is the fastest I've been able to get Wave to run. When I try this in EPIC (which is built on Chromium), if I don't stay on the Wave tab, it just times out and dies. Simple things like changing the category on a single transaction take around 10 seconds to complete and refresh before I can move on to the next transaction.

    This is painfully slow. I have a cable modem and all my other sites load right up. If you have any suggestions, I'll be happy to try them. Thanks.


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey Matt! It looks like you're still on the previous version of Wave; we're intending to have everyones Wave accounts migrated to the updated version by the end of January, and one of the pages that's revamped is the Transactions page. You should see performance improvements in the updated version. Hope that helps!

  • DavidHubbardDavidHubbard Member Posts: 2

    It's 2020 now and it seems slow to me. Maybe it was slower before. I need to find something faster this year.

  • LisieLisie Member Posts: 3

    Hi! Do you have any updates on slow loading? The "Dashboard" is the main reason, but we are concerned that Wave has not had a solution for this since 2018.

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