
Issues with bank connections, CSV uploads (as per template) in New Zealand

EbFloAnnekeEbFloAnneke Member Posts: 5

Hi fellow NZ'ers,

Just wondering if anyone using Wave in NZ, have been able to upload CSV files (based on the suggested Wave template) and/or connect to their bank. I am with BNZ but haven't been able to upload any transactions.

(Trying to import transactions into the Cash on Hand account - which has no transactions).
Thinking it could be a NZ compatibility thing??

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @EbFloAnneke.

    I've been talking about it with the rest of the team. There does seem to be a few users in New Zealand having issues with CSV uploads that I'm unable to reproduce here.

    I'm sending you a private message with a few more questions so I can better document what might be happening. Do you mind following up with me there?

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