Deleting Unnecessary Categories

ACHGACHG Member Posts: 5

I am a club treasurer and have just started using Wave to handle the club accounts. However I find that the system has created a Chart of Accounts in which 70% of the Categories are totally irrelevant to my needs.

How do I delete them? Alternatively how to I create a Wave account with a blank CofA so that I can set it up as I need?



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ACHG.

    It isn't currently possible to delete accounts in Wave. They can, however, be archived so that they do not appear outside of your Chart of Accounts. Accounts also won't appear on your reports unless transactions have been categorized to them.

    To archive an account, click on the pencil icon to the right of that account on the Chart of Accounts. Check the archiving checkbox and you are done!

  • ACHGACHG Member Posts: 5

    Thanks - I was afraid that was going to be the answer. However, what about the second part of my query - creating an account with a blank Chart of Accounts.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ACHG.

    No, you can't open an account with a blank Chart of Accounts in Wave. Your starting Chart of Accounts is based on the type of business you choose at business creation. Even the two "General" options create a handful of default expense accounts to get started.

    Your only option to get see those less is to archive those accounts that you do not use. Those accounts will only appear on your Chart of Accounts.

  • ACHGACHG Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for your help. I've bitten the bullet and done exactly what you suggest is the latest message. It seems to be working well.

    As an long term QuickBooks user (sorry!) there are a lot of things I miss, so you may well be hearing from me with a few items from my "wish list" - Sub-categories would be nice for a start!


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    @ACHG, where you come from does not matter to us. You're with us now and we're more than happy to have you!

    We're always happy to hear your feedback and ideas on features for the future. There has been a bit of talk about sub-categories in other threads, and your thoughts on it, as well as anything else you have to say about that wish list!

    edited July 6, 2018
  • AndoAndo Member Posts: 6

    Is it still not possible to delete accounts in the Chart of Accounts? Such as expense accounts? I'm new to wave and created a few accounts that I realize I no longer need. That would feel very bizarre to me if I can create accounts but can't delete them.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ando . You can always archive an unusued account. If there are no transactions associated to it then it will be deleted from the system, otherwise it will remain but you won't be able to associate any transactions to it moving forward.

    In regards to accounts which were created by the system, these cannot be archived/deleted.

  • AndoAndo Member Posts: 6

    @alexlewiszarkos Perfect, thanks! I was a little confused when I didn't see a Delete button but now I see archiving works the same as long as there are no transactions.

  • ryansocraticryansocratic Member Posts: 1

    It would be nice to be able to delete accounts completely instead of just archiving them and changing the name. I accidentally imported one of my two SunTrust accounts twice rater than each account one time, but I am unfortunately stuck with it sitting in my chart of accounts. I am not really sure why that wasn't part of the software from the beginning, but I would like to suggest it. Take care.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ryansocratic and welcome to the Wave community! I have moved your comment into this ongoing discussion and thank you for leaving us with your feedback on being able to delete an account from your chart of accounts fully. I'd love to highlight a nuance of the functionality that @AlexL mentioned above:

    @AlexL said:
    If there are no transactions associated to it then it will be deleted from the system, otherwise it will remain but you won't be able to associate any transactions to it moving forward.

    This means that provided all of the transactions within an account are moved to another one, then when you archive the account it would be removed from your chart of accounts fully. It sounds like you have multiple accounts in your chart of accounts for the SunTrust Account. If this is the case, you can filter your transactions page to show one of the accounts, and move all of them to one single one by selecting the transactions using the check box to the left of the transaction and bulk editing the account to the other SunTrust Account. Once you have completed that, you can then archive the account and it should be removed from the Chart of accounts.

    One tip would be to change the name of the duplicated SunTrust Accounts to include the Numbers 1 and 2 beside each one so that you can tell them apart.

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