
Schedule Date to Send Invoices



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    eastoncreastoncr Member Posts: 1

    Another person who really needs this feature. Please let me know when it's implemented and I may return.

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    dsteelerdsteeler Member Posts: 1

    Adding my vote here too. I assumed that simply picking a date in the future invoice date would do the trick but then thought I had better double check. A quick search brought me here. I was surprised to find that the feature doesn't exist, but since it doesn't I will simply say please add it as soon as possible.

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    mand1982mand1982 Member Posts: 1

    Yes please! I want to get all my invoices written up now, but don't need to send them until next week otherwise clients might think I'm being a bit greedy and eager to get my monthly pay!
    Please please introduce a feature to schedule when it sends an email to a client.
    Thank you

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    mahoutmahout Member Posts: 13

    Another vote to add this feature. It would be very helpful.

    The menu could say "Send Now" and "Send Later"
    Send Later Could pull up a calendar to schedule it.

    Even a push notification in the App would help, for invoices not in draft:
    "You have unsent invoices: [View Now] [View Tomorrow]

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    AscentDigitalAscentDigital Member Posts: 3

    I was hoping this would be a feature I was just missing.

    I have a customer with a recurring invoice but they now need each invoice to have a note showing the month that the service is covering.

    I either need to be able to schedule invoices for the future or be able to have dynamic content in the recurring invoices.

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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @eastoncr @dsteeler @mand1982 @mahout @AscentDigital thanks for submitting this feedback - really love the detail some of you posted. We don't have any immediate plans to implement this but our Product team is keeping a close eye on all feedback to make Wave invoicing even better!

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    benmcmahonbenmcmahon Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for this.

    Just one month in advance would be enough for me. And aligning it with the invoice date would actually work as well.

    When I finish projects I want to close it off and create the invoice so I can file it as 'done', but not necessarily send it immediately - especially if I've just finished talking with a client and minutes later they get an invoice (I like to wait 24 hours or so). Going through the re-occuring invoice process doesn't seem like a smooth solution for sending just one.

    Thanks! Awesome work as always Wave team!

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    ClayLucasClayLucas Member Posts: 1

    I would like to be able to select a send date. This could be the "invoice date" which could be selected as a future date. Also selecting an actual due date is necessary for me not just 5 or 7 or 14 days after invoice date.
    I send out an invoice a few days before the end of the month that is different amounts and due on the 1st of the month.

    I vote for this feature.

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    Mrm____lv114Mrm____lv114 Member Posts: 11

    @jessicatc said:
    I would like this feature as well. JRL's explanation above in terms of the invoice information updating since it hasn't been sent yet would be ideal.

    For me, it's not quite as complicated as it's usually because I'm finalizing my invoices in the evening and would want them to send the next AM during regular working hours,

    I could pull this off with the gmail send, but with so many gmail accounts, I can't tell which one I'm logged into when I choose send with gmail.

    I think this feature is extremely crucial as well.
    I work in a different time zone than most of our clients and would prefer to send the invoices later in the day so they do not receive invoices at 4 or 5am.
    This is something I would use on almost every invoice I send out.
    Please add it soon!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey folks, at this point we don't have any updates on whether this will be implemented in our invoicing system. My apologies for this but keep your +1's coming!

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    tsfjaxtsfjax Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Throwing my hat in on this one, but with a twist: statements. Being able to auto run statements at EOM would be awesome and would save me -hours- every month!

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    AscentDigitalAscentDigital Member Posts: 3

    +1...I was looking for that feature and found this forum post.

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    GabrielleGibsonGabrielleGibson Member Posts: 5

    I am not sure if this was mentioned but yes you can send the invoice and have it scheduled for the future but I need to create an invoice now and make active but not yet send to the user until a week before the invoice is due. But if I have a promotion that just ended and I need an updated version of an invoice but that invoice I created sends to the client now (ie: a couple of days after they paid me for the current month) then they will be confused and think that they need to pay again or just think I messed up lol

    Also I do not see where I can delete drafted invoices.

    edited July 10, 2020
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    salad1106salad1106 Member Posts: 2

    Hi, just adding another name to the list of users who need the scheduled send feature.

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    MulliganMediaMulliganMedia Member Posts: 1

    I am another person who would love this. I just switched over from Qucikbooks and they don't have this feature either, so I am sure it is a hard feature to work in if they haven't done it. I always felt like like its something that all invoicing applications should have. I appreciate what you guys are doing. I felt like i was getting screwed over with QB, and Intuit keeps kicking up their price $10 every year. I hopped off the ship. Loving Wave so far.

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    ishMarketingishMarketing Member Posts: 1

    I agree. I would totally use this feature all the time if available.

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    AmeliaAmelia Member Posts: 5

    I also agree this feature would be very helpful. As admin asked for info on when we would use it I would use it on days like today, Friday 21st, I usually invoice clients on the 25th which is next Tuesday, but on Monday and Tuesday I am attending a 2 day webinar so wanted to prepare all the invoices today, now I have them saved as drafts and will have to make time on Tuesday to send them, it would have been so nice to set it today to send on Tuesday, including writing the message to the client and choosing to attach as PDF.

    I am not able to use the recurring invoice option as my invoices change month to month.

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    LadyGeekLadyGeek Member Posts: 2

    This is a crucial feature. Please add it soon

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    jamierosejamierose Member Posts: 1

    Yet another +1. I understand that it wasn't on the product roadmap back in 2018, but it is now 2.5 years later and needs to be revisited. It's not a complex feature request.

    I also request a custom payment due date in the recurring invoice system. I attempted the work-around of scheduling a recurring invoice, yet it doesn't allow me to choose a Net20 or specific due date, therefore rendering the workaround useless for my needs.

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    Miss_Dori_TutoringMiss_Dori_Tutoring Member Posts: 10

    Another Vote for this feature. I work late at night and don't want to email my clients at midnight. I would love to be able to set it up so the invoices I approve at night will automatically send at 9am the next morning. Recurring isn't an option for me as I need to manually change the invoice items every month. I also like to personalize the email message that's sent with each invoice.

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    CC13CC13 Member Posts: 1
    Adding my vote to this request for scheduling send for invoices. It would be incredibly helpful as sometimes timing of invoicing is really important in customer relations. And as a small business owner I have to take advantage of weekends to do my invoicing - but don’t want to be sending to my customers on weekends.
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    The_OwlExpress1The_OwlExpress1 Member Posts: 1

    🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️Another vote for this feature as a "must-have" for my business! I would love this feature to be implemented.

    I did see the workaround in the "recurring invoices" -- but agree with others who have said, it seems like a simple thing to implement. I vote for when I go to click "send invoice" it'd be nice to have a button right next to it that says, "schedule send."

    Agree with another small business owner that I want to be able to do my invoicing the night before (ex. Sunday night) and they go out first thing Monday morning.

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    NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hi ya'll, thanks for all of your suggestions! Although there hasn't been any updates on whether this will be implemented, it's always helpful understanding how a feature can improve user's experience with Wave (and make lives easier!).

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    ProProjectsProProjects Member Posts: 1

    Come on Wave team! We are rooting for you. Scheduled invoices, you can do it!

    (We need it. Imagine getting more money, and more frequently. Win-win)

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    CortRobCortRob Member Posts: 2

    Here we are almost in April 2021 and I'm really needing a way to schedule an invoice, or 3. Please Wave work on this a little bit quicker. 3 years is a real good amount of time to add a dated schedule feature to the invoices. I just need it to be scheduled no different than my emails and text messages. I just put the date and time I'd like it to send off. That's all. Please. Please? Please!
    Thank you in advance for your prompt invoice addition to our 3 years of requests.

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    CortRobCortRob Member Posts: 2

    Also when we schedule the invoices, I'd like my client to also get a few days notice prior, 3 to 5 business days, please. Thank you. Why? The client requests knowing ahead that an invoice is coming due.

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    TimKTimK Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
    I've given up on wave adding any useful or necessary features. Clearly their roadmap doesn't include any of the things that their actual customers are asking for. What have they done that helped you run your business in the last two year? They changed the display and added some utterly meaningless "features". I get that this is a free service, but it sure makes me consider switching to a paid service that actually does what I need.
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    CrosspressCrosspress Member Posts: 2

    This is another head scratcher from Wave.. Imagine how many users haven't found this thread and need/want this feature. I think your road map is outdated..

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    wheflinwheflin Member Posts: 2

    Would like to see this added +custom reminder dates. 14 days is too soon.

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    RobertPaulRobertPaul Member Posts: 1

    Hi, just another +1 for invoice scheduling. I'm currently doing my invoicing at 9PM on a Saturday because freelance life is like that sometimes, and I don't really want to ping someone's inbox with this until business hours on Monday.

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