Vendor Contract Manufacturing third-party billing

cliffbizcliffbiz Member Posts: 9

I work with other Government bodies for purposes of contract manufacturing some products with researchers. I am wondering whether the best option is to use the part of vendor and bills as a service or manual entry expenses but seeing this forms part of cost of goods I cannot post the entry as a service as it requires me to quantify it into price and can i also do multiple billing for different vendors under same contract?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Cliffbiz.

    I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you looking for how to handle inventory management in Wave, and how to deal with transforming multiple bought items into a single finished product? If it's not the case, could you break down your case a bit further by giving me a real-world example of the situation you're trying to translate to Wave?

  • cliffbizcliffbiz Member Posts: 9

    Hi @Alexia I'm awareof the unavailability of the inventory management feature. In drawing up the cost of goods sold the option available offers a feature of add product/service under my nature of work their is a part that forms cost of good sold, it is a contract manufacturing facility service, drawing up the bill it gives option of units and cost but not the service which is not a lease per se. It can't be manually entered as an expense as it is directly involved in manufacture of the good.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @cliffbiz.

    Couldn't you just add a line item for each of the actual goods, and then a line item for each service? You can leave the number of units for the service as "1" and simply enter the total price for that line item. If the Service part of your bill is charged by the hour or the day, you could use the "Unit" field for the amount of time you're being charged for as well.

    If I'm still misunderstanding your question, could you give me a line-by-line breakdown of what you would like to see represented on your bill?

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