Acounting transactios specification

roberthajekroberthajek Member Posts: 2

I need (tax office needs) to specify each transaction and document by uniq ID.

How do I edit the account ID in predefined account record (for inst. Accounts Receivable) and is it possible to get this ID on accounting reports?

What does the bill# (purchases agenda) means? Should I put the number printed on the bill by a vendor (what if the same number comes gain from the different vendor?) or thi means my internal number of bill for identification in books? (i need some).

How do i specify the payment the payment reference on bill record, shoul i use th P.O./S.O. number?

Thanks for advise.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @roberthajek.

    Let's go through your questions one by one.

    • It isn't currently possible to see Account ID numbers on reports. They can only be found on your Chart of Accounts for reference. System accounts cannot be modified at all in Wave.
    • This number is meant to be the same number that appears on the bill. Duplicates won't matter since both the number and the name of the vendor will appear on your reports. The numbers don't need to be unique, the field is mostly there for reference.
    • When you record a payment to a bill from the Bills page, you have the option to add a memo attached to that payment. I'd recommend using that field.

    I hope this helps!

  • roberthajekroberthajek Member Posts: 2

    Thanks. it was helpful..

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Always happy to help out, @roberthajek!

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