
wont upload statement

Gippsland BeerGippsland Beer Member Posts: 1

I am having trouble with my upload:

I go to upload statement,

select the csv file and the account. it up;loads and i see a sample of it with the date column selected then i press confirm data.

once i press that it just returns to the file upload screen.

anyone had this issue?



edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    Quinn WatryQuinn Watry Member Posts: 1

    I've been successful first entering the data into a Sheets spreadsheet and then downloading it as a CSV. First column as MM/DD/YYYY, second description, and third as XX.XX and -XX.XX. I'm not an expert with CSV files, but I think this could also be caused by the spreadsheet containing too much information that Wave doesn't use, like balance or other information you'd want for your online banking but is extraneous for accounting purposes.

    Or are you using a different format?

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    Jennifer HarrisJennifer Harris Member Posts: 2

    Yes, i am having the same issue. And changing the .csv around in Google Sheets does not help.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Jennifer! Can you offer a little bit more information regarding how you have your CSV formatted now?

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