Reconciling foreign bank and credit accounts in foreign currency

BH2KBH2K Member Posts: 1

It seems that reconciliation is tied to default currency.

If you're reconciling foreign currency bank / credit card accounts, Wave requires that you provide the reconciliation amount in the Default currency.

This doesn't make sense because account statements and transactions for those accounts are in foreign currency, therefore reconciliation should be in the foreign currency as well.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @BH2K.

    You are absolutely right. We are aware that this is an issue and are working on the best way to resolve it. I don't have a timeline to offer, but our engineers are on the job.

    For now, I recommend you compare the amount on your statement to the ending balance of an Account Transactions report for that bank account or credit card that covers the same period. You'll be able to see the balance in the right currency there. I hope this helps!

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