Pinnacle Bank in TX

My small business uses Pinnacle Bank of Texas. I have found it in the list of banks that can be connected to your app, however trying to sign into the business account does not work. Any chance someone could look into this?
They have separate methods for signing into personal accounts and business accounts. I'm assuming maybe the process has changed since it was initially set up with your app.
Hi @Josh_Ivy.
Unfortunately, our bank connection system does not connect to Pinnacle Bank of Texas' business accounts, only to their personal accounts.
To make a request to our bank data provider, search for your bank on the Bank Connections page, click on "Can't find your bank?" and fill in the form that pops up.
For the time being, you'll have to upload your bank statements manually. Uploading your bank statement is quick and painless. You can find the instructions on how to do so here.
Let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to help.
I'm hoping that since this was 4 years ago this issue has been fixed? I'm about to open a business account at Pinnacle Bank in Tennessee. Will I run into this same problem?