problem reporting income statement and balance sheet with format pdf

Hafizah HanaHafizah Hana Member Posts: 2

why i cannot review and print my balance sheet with format pdf? wave accounting will pop up this message like that attachment. income statement also dont have button format csv, pdf and excel. please help me.



  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi there Hafizah! It looks like you're using an improved version of Accounting by Wave that has many of the features that our customers have been asking for.

    Right now we're rolling this out gradually, and a number of newly created accounts are seeing this newer experience.

    You'll see numerous benefits, including improved speed and performance, better reporting insights, and you would be first in line to get new features that are being built specifically for the new version of Accounting by Wave.However, some features, such as export for this report are still being built, so at this time you will not be able to accomplish this.

    It looks from your screenshot like you are attempting to export the report through our API. Wave's API is not currently publicly available, so you will not be able to do this. However, you can expect an export for this report to be coming down the pipeline. Thank you for your interest.

  • TheMandibleClawTheMandibleClaw Member Posts: 1

    Hi Charlotte,

    Any estimates on when the API will be released for public use ?



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