
Chase balance sync still OK but transactions are no longer added

wavefanwavefan Member Posts: 7

Hi everyone,

I started using Wave about a month ago, great product and UI/UX :smile:

Initially everything went well and I was able to sync both my Business Checking and Business Credit card accounts from Chase. All transactions were properly synced and updated on a daily basis.

I'm now having trouble since ~July 18th, the balances are still syncing properly on the Dashboard, and are matching the balances on chase.com. I don't have any error message, everything looks normal (as before). However, transactions are no longer added to the "Transactions" page. The balances in the drop-down menu of the "Transactions" page are also not matching the ones on the dashboard.

I reached out to Wave and got the same automated response as many others, completely unrelated to my issue.

I already tried the following:

  • Emptied cache
  • Emptied cookies
  • Tried with another web-browser
  • Went to "Bank Connections" and "Edit bank credentials" to force the re-sync
  • Sign-in/out multiple times
  • Refreshed the bank feed from the Dashboard, multiple times
  • Wait 10 days in a hope that it would resolves by itself

Any solution from the Wave team? @Alexia :smile: Please don't tell me that's Yodlee's fault or that I should manually upload a bank statement. I guess Chase is a big enough bank for this issue to be addressed.


edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @wavefan.

    I don't quite have the information to blame either Yodlee or Chase as the cause of this connection issue, but I do have good news. Both we and Yodlee are aware of this issue. We were given a timeline following which this should be resolved. In the latest information they sent to us, Yodlee said this should be resolved on July 30th.

    If it's still causing problems by the end of the day on Monday, let us know and we'll follow up with Yodlee.

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    wavefanwavefan Member Posts: 7

    Hi @Alexia

    Thank you so much for your prompt reply and the resolution timeline, much appreciated ;)

    It seems the Chase Business checking account sync is already fixed, I had a some new transactions imported today. However, the Credit card transactions still seem to be stuck for now.

    I'll post an update here on July 31st.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to hear that, @wavefan. I'll keep you posted if I hear anything more as well.

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    wavefanwavefan Member Posts: 7

    Hi @Alexia,

    Unfortunately, the issue is still ongoing.

    Do you have any update from Yodlee on your end?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @wavefan. Also tagging @keepbk from the other thread.

    I just reached out for more information and saw that the ETA was changed to August 3rd. I'm making myself a note to check again on Friday and I'll report back.

    I understand how frustrating this is and I'm really hoping this will be cleared up as soon as possible. Bank connection issues are always tricky given how complicated and gigantic the bank connection system is. Not to mention that financial institutions are rarely cooperative with third-party aggregators.

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    keepbkkeepbk Member Posts: 17

    @Alexia Thanks so much for the update! Appreciate it.

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    wavefanwavefan Member Posts: 7
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Good morning, @keepbk and @wavefan.

    Just keeping you updated. The ETA is still marked for today, without a specific time. I'll check again in a few hours and report back.

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    wavefanwavefan Member Posts: 7

    Thank you @Alexia.

    Just FYI, sync seems to be working again but I have only one transaction that has been synced (many others are missing) and it's been added twice, see below:

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for letting me know, @wavefan.

    Yodlee just updated the ETA to August 14th. At this point, I would recommend removing the connection entirely, uploading your bank statements and trying again on the 14th. I understand that it isn't ideal, but I can tell you that we are reporting all of those issues over to them, and while the process of resolving this connection issue is taking a long time, those frequent updates do mean that Yodlee is keeping a close eye on this and actively working towards a resolution.

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    keepbkkeepbk Member Posts: 17

    @Alexia Thanks for the update. Mine still goes through the motions of syncing, but nothing uploads, and the date still shows "last updated 3 weeks ago." I will do as you suggest and hope that it's resolved by the 14th. Thanks!

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    keepbkkeepbk Member Posts: 17

    @Alexia and @wavefan - I tried my bank connection for the heck of it this morning, and it synced!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to hear that, @keepbk!

    The error report is still mentioning the same date on my end, so I'd stay wary, but it's great to hear your transactions made it through!

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    wavefanwavefan Member Posts: 7

    Hi @Alexia and @keepbk,

    I'm posting a quick update as we are now on Aug 14th.

    • The sync has been working for the past 10 days
    • Old transactions (which took place before the bug) never synced
    • Every new transaction is doubled, I have to remove duplicates manually every day

    Any solution?


    edited August 15, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update, @wavefan.

    I looked up the report from Yodlee, and while they are reporting more connections there are still issue. They moved their ETA again to the 21st.

    For the missing transactions, if they haven't uploaded yet, I recommend uploading a CSV statement for the missing period.

    As for the duplicated transactions, have you tried removing the connection entirely and re-creating it?

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    SuggestionTreeSuggestionTree Member Posts: 1

    My transactions stopped on August 28th. I am now six weeks in and have tried all of the above recommendations.
    I sent a support ticket three times to WAVE and all they do is point me back to their standard answer that basically says, "You're on your own buddy."

    My credit cards sync but not my bank transactions. This makes Wave Unusable... What should I do?

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @SuggestionTree, I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing this bank connection issue but would love to continue troubleshooting this for you. I've sent you an email directly to the email address you've used to send us those tickets. Please check your inbox for that, but let me know if you are unable to locate my message!

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    mflynnmflynn Member Posts: 4

    Is there still an underlying, known issue with connecting to Chase (US) Bank? It has not connected in almost 2 weeks and I know I am using the correct credentials. I am able to log in fine from the same computer using the chase.com website. I have tried all the tips from the OP but no luck. The Wave apps messages says my Chase (US) says my "Your login credentials are incorrect." and the Chase Cards (formerly FirstUSA) (US) says "Your bank's website appears to be experiencing technical difficulties." That hasn't connected for almost 3 days.

    Any advise? Do I have to start updating manually?

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    ghostrockghostrock Member Posts: 4

    @mflynn I'm having the same issue. Our Chase credit card has gotten the message about technical difficulties for two months with no resolution.

    Hoping we can find an answer here.

    edited November 7, 2018
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    Ol_DawgOl_Dawg Member Posts: 4

    Same issue here. @Erik any update on this?

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @mflynn @ghostrock @Ol_Dawg our bank data provider is still experiencing issues connecting to Chase Credit Cards. The issue tracker message I see on their dashboard is:

    "As part of our proactive monitoring of refreshes, we have observed that users for Chase are failing because the site is temporarily unavailable or undergoing maintenance. We will keep you updated with the Progress."

    They have posted a tentative resolution date of November 16th. I recommend navigating to the BANKING > BANK CONNECTIONS page by the end of the day on November 16th to see if the connection is restored for your particular accounts. If not, feel free to let me know here.

    @mflynn you also mention having troubles connecting your "Chase (US)" bank account. I assume this is not referring to a credit card account, but a bank (checking/saving) account. So far, I am not seeing any site-wide issues for this type of connection, so I will send you an email to further troubleshoot that particular issue with you.

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    ghostrockghostrock Member Posts: 4

    @Erik still having issues with this. Is there a new resolution date? Thanks

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @ghostrock The notice that Erik had mentioned previously has since been removed, so I'm thinking that the issue should be resolved (although it could be too soon for Yodlee to completely rule out it still persisting). I've taken a closer look at your past integration set up and it looks like you were selecting the option for "Chase Card". I'm wondering if part of the issue here might be that you are accidentally selecting the incorrect connection type. A good rule of thumb is to select the option that matches the URL that you use to manage your online banking.

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    jritchey808jritchey808 Member Posts: 2

    I have been having trouble with Chase Credit Card accounts synching for 7 months.
    My accounts were working fine for 6 months or so and then stopped updating about 7 months ago.
    When I tried to troubleshoot I kept getting the same error message -
    "Your bank's website appears to be experiencing technical difficulties. If you can successfully log in to your online banking, please try connecting or updating again in Wave. If the problem persists for 24 hours, please visit our help center."
    I spoke to Chase and they said had me set up my account to work with apps. They said to disconnect my app and reconnect. When I did that, I got the same message above and have not been able to re-establish the connection. I am choosing Chase Credit Cards and not Chase Banking in the original setup page so I don't think that's the problem.

    Can anyone offer any help on this? This is the account that I have 90% of my transactions in, so need to get this fixed or move to a different app or service.


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    jritchey808jritchey808 Member Posts: 2

    I got Chase Bank site to connect to my credit card accounts. Still can't get the Chase Credit Card site to connect.
    Problem is that it is loading multiple transactions for the same transaction and giving them different dates.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    I also had transactions from a Citi credit card sync to the wrong account in Wave. WTH? This seams like amateur hour. I haven't been able to get Wave to work properly for all my accounts for about a year. Anyone have suggestions for a better app/system?

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    pseudeeppseudeep Member Posts: 2


    Has there been any resolution to this? I have my Chase checking account connected to Wave, but I am not seeing any transactions imported since August of 2018. I tried doing a re-sync etc. but still not seeing the transactions.


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    rvoskorvosko Member Posts: 1

    Mine says Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago •

    Any way to fix this? I tried reentering credentials and refreshing.

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    StevemStevem Member Posts: 5

    This is a problem for me as well. The page does not refresh automatically. You think the transaction has not been saved and so you entered it again. Then you refresh and you have a duplicate. Also, I notice that every time it creates a new window. Before I knew it I had 26 new windows open at the same time for one month. I would suggest

    1. a clear message to say that the transaction has been successfully saved or rejected;
    2. a warning if the date is out of range;
    3. avoid creating a new window just because a transaction is updated.
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    zuzazuza Member Posts: 31 admin

    Hello @rvosko @pseudeep and @jritchey808. Sincere apologies in how delayed this response is. We are experiencing a high number of posts this time of year. Terrible excuse, but I am here now to help in any way that I can.

    First off, I have checked to see the status of all of your Chase accounts and I see that they are successfully connected, with transactions as recent as today. Is this not the case for anyone? Are you still seeing issues with your Chase Accounts? Please let me know and we can go from there.

    And @Stevem by the looks of it, I don't think your post is Chase Account related. I am having a hard time recreating what you are describing. Could you explain your steps when you are entering your transactions? I do agree better messaging would help, I just want to make sure I understand correctly :)

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    tyjaytyjay Member Posts: 1

    Same issue here with NAB in australia. Connects OK, Balance updates, but transactions are not imported. Obviously a fault somwhere if numerous users are having the same issue

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