Adding products and services and reporting

cyphix333cyphix333 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

I have just started looking into the products and services section where you can add them for specific services or products you sell, but have some questions.

  1. Are you able to see a breakdown over a time period of how each of your products/services are performing when doing this? I notice you can do this with Vendors.
  2. Is it possible to have variable prices for a specific product? Like for example if I had one product and the general price is $99, but for some reason I offer a certain customer a discounted price of $79, I wouldn't want to see these as two different products in the reporting section, but as the one product; so either variable pricing would be one option or being able to merge them for reporting reasons would be helpful.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @cyphix333.

    It isn't currently possible to pull up a report for a specific product. You could assign each product to a unique account, however, and track them individually that way. Changing the income account for an item won't change the account on past invoices, so this will only allow you to track those numbers from that point onwards. I can absolutely see how a report like this would be useful. Thank you for the feedback!

    For your second point: Sort of! The price of your item on the Products and Services page is meant to be a default price. You can change the item price manually on specific invoices without that affecting past invoices. Those sales will be recorded to the same account as well.

  • cyphix333cyphix333 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Thanks very much - look forward to this possibly being available in the reports in the future. :)

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