GETTING a report with the pictures attached to the expenses to send to my accountant

ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

How do I get a report with the pictures attached to the expenses to send to my accountant??


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ALANF.

    Wave doesn't have a report like that at this time. If you want to download a copy of all of your receipts, you can do this by going to Settings, and then Data Export. You'll see an option to download your receipts there.

    As for the reports you're looking for, you'll likely need the Account Transactions report for each expense account you've used thus far. You can find that report on the bottom of the Reports page.

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    This is a report that you must have, as how else can you pass your expenses to your Accountant, would appreciate if you could look into adding this, as to be honest if you cant send a report of your expenses, to your accountant for your accounts, then it makes the Receipts (expenses Function) Useless.

    Its a great function but we have to be able to pull a report and to e mail it and print it out for your accountant

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ALANF.

    Thank you for the feedback!

    You might also consider adding your accountant as a collaborator to your account. They'd be able to see everything they might need directly. It may well be the easiest way to get your accountant all the information they require with the smallest amount of work gathering documents from your end.

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    Thats a great idea, so how do I add him as a colaborator

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    Alexia today I cant load receipts and sync. If your site down?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ALANF.

    You can do this through the Settings page. Find "Collaborators" on that page and fill that form in. They'll be sent an email with instructions to follow up. If you want more details, check out this guide.

    Everything seems to be working fine on our end. Are you trying to upload receipts from the app? It can take a few minutes to go through, sometimes. I'm not seeing anything stuck on our receipts admin tool. Can you tell me more about the issues you're running into?

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    I have one receipt and it says could not Sync and now could not load receipts, tap again to try again

    it appears that it can not sync, please advise should i uninstall and reinstall, and please say i wont lose my receipts record

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ALANF.

    Try just pulling down on the list of processing receipts first, while making sure that you're connected to a reliable network. If that doesn't work, you might have to reinstall the app, yes. If you do, you will lose the receipts that are processing now.

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    yes i had to uninstall it and reinstall as it just froze up on me

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ALANF.

    I'm sorry to hear that. Have you been able to upload receipts since that reinstall?

    Especially if you have an older phone, I'd recommend taking pictures of your invoices with your regular camera app and adding them to the receipt app afterwards. You can do this by tapping the camera button and then using the button in the top right corner of the screen to upload a picture from your phone. This way, you'll have backup pictures of your invoices even if they fail to upload through the app.

    With that said, I can tell you that we are working on some significant improvements to everything we offer on mobile.

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    seems to be working but has slowed down a lot, im using samsung galaxy note 5 do not an old phone, looking forward to seeing what improvements you make, as i said before would be grrat to be able to have a report in excell with the expences from receipts and photos on it to send to accountant

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, @ALANF.

    Keep us posted if you have any further issues!

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    wil do and thanks for your assistance. let me know if you update to the exs in a excell spread sheet as that would be fantasic

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