
Updating transactions for integrations (PayPal and Etsy)

meganmegan Member Posts: 2

I have integrated my Etsy account and PayPal account to Wave in order to import transactions, but I don't know how to update them to get my new transactions. I understand how to do it for a bank connection, right on the dashboard, but I can't find something similar for Etsy or PayPal. Once I tried doing it with PayPal by going to the integrations page and editing the PayPal connection and I told it to import again, but then I ended up with two PayPal accounts in my Chart of Accounts and it messed a lot up, so I don't think this is the right way.

Thank you!


edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    Huda MyersonHuda Myerson Member Posts: 1

    I had the same experience with re-adding my Paypal...it created a second account! Not what I wanted at all! I think the integration is supposed to update normally but it may not work all the time. I started exporting my information from Paypal and using the bank statement upload to get transactions into my Paypal account in Wave instead.

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    meganmegan Member Posts: 2

    ok, thank you! Maybe I will do that too, then. I am scared to mess everything up again with a second PayPal account!

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    cincitherapycincitherapy Member Posts: 1

    Same problem. The PayPal integration link doesn't appear to update for new transactions at all, nor does it appear there is a way to manually make it update like the bank accounts. Support... How do you update your PayPal transactions through the integration?

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    singledadsingledad Member Posts: 6

    I just wanted to say I have the same issue as well. PayPal Integration imports the transactions just fine when you first set things up. Problem is that seems to be the only automatic import of transactions that you get. It never seems to sync and import any new transactions. You're left to export new transactions via PayPal and then import then as a bank statement. While this is still better than manually entering everything as you go. it does involve more work cleaning up columns etc. for an import. It can also get annoying since there's typically a wait time for PayPal to generate the export for download.

    As others have stated, if you attempt to force things by reintegrating you'll end up with two PayPal accounts. I'm fairly confident the integration is supposed to periodically update things. In fact I think I read here in the forums it should update every 24-72 hours or so. I wait a day or two, clear browser cache etc and nothing is updated. Definitely doesn't seem to happen for me.

    I've been googling for answers on and off the past couple days. It seems this has been an issue for people for quite some time now. I've seen people complaining of this issue 11 months ago. Wish we could get this figured out since so far this is the major Wave flaw I haven't been happy with.

    I'd be happy with having to manually initiate a PayPal sync with a button click just like for bank accounts.

    If anyone manages to figure this out please do post here. I'll do the same. I'm guessing this is something on Wave or PayPal's end so there is little the end user can due to fix the issue.

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    singledadsingledad Member Posts: 6

    I might have a workaround that is a little easier than importing a PayPal transaction CSV export.

    Basically you edit/update your existing PayPal integration and tell it to download all transactions from one day prior to whatever you have currently have listed for that date. Go to Menu>Integrations and then click the pencil/pen next to your PayPal integration. Change the "Download all transactions starting" field date to the day before whatever you currently have listed. If it works Wave should pull in all new PayPal transactions that haven't been imported except for any that have occurred the current day. (For some reason the current day's transactions won't sync. I typically need to wait a day or two or enter them manually if I'm overly concerned about it.)

    As always be careful and exercise good common sense. Watch out for duplicate transactions. Any transactions you've manually added within the date range above will likely be duplicated when the system pulls in PayPal's transaction info. You may want to experiment on a test business or account if you have very critical account info etc.

    Complete details here: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/comment/411/#Comment_411

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