Multi branch accounting

Can we set up a 2 or 3 branch business on wave. Wherein we can look at branches individually and also aggregated as on business? If so how?


  • EnsignBellaRoEnsignBellaRo Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    Could you describe more of what you mean here?

    I know you can create different business profiles, as many businesses as you need (I have couple test ones) but the reporting is separate for each one.

  • FD Assistant3FD Assistant3 Member Posts: 4

    I think what he/she means here is that they have a company that has multiplebranches and has the accounting done as one but what he/she wants is to see a report on each of the branches' financial structure individually.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thank you for jumping in! That could be the case - please let us know if so @Overture. :) However, Isabel's comment still covers what's possible in Wave. That is, it is possible to create multiple business profiles under the same login. Business profiles each have full-featured accounting functionality and reporting, but they are wholly separate from one another except for the shared account (you might think of it like a user identity).

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