
Professional Phone Greetings for Your Business!

Lisa557Lisa557 Member Posts: 2

We have been using Wave for quite a long time now and have found it to be very user friendly. Customers really like it too. We'd like to introduce ourselves to the Wave Community. We are Macryn Voice Greetings and we provide Professional Voice Talent for:

  • Voicemail Greetings * Auto Attendant Recordings * IVR Voice Prompts * On-Hold Messages with Music and many other types of phone recordings for small business owners as well as large companies. We love to help businesses sound professional when customers call. Let us know if you'd like any help with your telephone system recordings, VOIP recordings...and even mobile phone voicemail greetings. Our website is: www.MacrynVoiceGreetings.com
edited August 30, 2018 in Wave Discussion


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