Wave checkout and recurring payment

Hi: is there a way to create a checkout that can create a recurring payment at the same time ? Or will I have to create checkout and then create recurring payment for this customer ? I am in the subscription box business and I am looking into building my website with wix.
Thanks in advance
Hi, @Chanel!
There isn't at this time, but it is a really interesting suggestion and I'll be forwarding it to our product team.
For now, Checkout by Wave can only do one-time fees for single products. It makes it perfect for a consultant, for example, who charges a flat rate for a first consultation, but it does have limitations for the time being. Thank you for your feedback!
Ah ok ! But is it something that I could do. Have a checkout that says for example 30 $ per month. Charge the first 30$ at the check out and then manually set up recurring payment for the next months ?
No. The only thing you could do is....once you get the initial order through your Wave Checkout, you could then create a recurring invoice that gets sent out via email every month with a link for the customer to make payment. But you would have to manually set up the recurring invoice once the initial payment was made.
Hi, @Chanel.
@TimK is right on all accounts. After accepting a payment through Checkout, you will have access to that customer's information through the Checkout page, under Sales, and you'll be able to use that to create a customer profile and set up a recurring invoice. If you want that invoice to charge your client's credit card automatically, however, you'll have to get their credit card information through other means.
While Checkout has a few limitations right now (as it is, it only replaces the need for very simple invoices), we're looking forward to seeing how it's used by Wavers and to gather feedback. Thank you for sharing!
I would love the ability to use recurring invoices as well. I do Digital marketing and charge monthly for the Management fee.
@KyleWalker you should have access to the recurring invoices tool under Sales > Recurring Invoices; you can read more about how to set them up here, if that helps. I'm assuming that this in the context of Checkout creating recurring invoices automatically (and if so, Alexia's and Tim's advice still stands), but I just wanted to make sure you have all of the resources you need to set this up!
I second this. I would LOVE to have the ability to set up recurring charges through Checkout, like PayPal can, or, as a workaround, to obtain the customer's credit card information once he/she goes through the Checkout process so that we can set up automatic recurring payments ourselves behind the scenes.
@theactorsroom Thanks for weighing in! Is there a reason you would like to set-up recurring payments through Checkouts specifically? You can set-up a recurring invoice (Sales > Recurring Invoices) which sends automatically on a set schedule. This option allows your customer to opt-in to recurring payments too! Once you create the invoice, no need to worry about anything from there! Curious to hear more on the enthusiasm behind recurring payment through Checkouts specifically
Any upadte on this? @Alexia @ChelseaK Just wondering if this is already in the pipeline and will soon be an option or not anytime soon?
My use case is billing multiple businesses for a listing fee, would much rather have automatic recurring payments then chasing down multiple invoices.
Hey @noelfenez . No plans to implement this anytime soon, although if you've received a checkout purchase that you want to be recurring, you're best setting your customer up on a recurring invoice with Autopay. This way you don't have to chase down the payment.
Thanks for the info @AlexL is there any way to automate this approach?
ex: Once client uses a checkout purchase they automatically get billed a recurring invoice with Autopay?
Hey @noelfenez, unfortunately this is not something that exists in Wave currently.
I'm with @noelfenez and @Chanel @KyleWalker on this! I run a network of co-working spaces with various monthly membership options, so having the ability for Checkout to automatically set up a reoccurring monthly payment for a customer and have them opt-in for Autopay during the first transaction would be a HUGE benefit!! @ChelseaK @ConnorM @Alexia @TimK @AlexL the reason this is so important, by not being able to setup the reoccurring invoicing right at the first point of sale (i.e. Checkouts), you're now forcing the customer to go through a second purchasing decision a month later. For us, if they opt in to the reoccurring at the initial Checkout, the likelihood of us retaining them as a Member / Subscriber for the 2nd month, 3rd month, so on, is very high. Basically, it would be more work to go through the process to cancel than to just let it go and continue to pay. On the flip side, if they basically have to make the purchasing decision all over again a month later and go through the process / inconvenience of putting in their credit card details again and opting in for Autopay (albeit a relatively simple process), people are less likely to do the work to renew, even if they love the service. Additionally, people get busy and the new reoccurring invoice you send them in month 2 gets buried in their email inbox and you end up having to chase them down and harass them to dig it up and go through the process to pay it. They eventually do it, but it costs us a huge amount of time and is a pain in the ass for both us and the customer. By not dealing with it right at step 1 (i.e. Checkouts) you're making the customer do more work to give you money and putting another friction point in the buying / retention process. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this change and allow us to set up monthly reoccurring products for Checkouts!!!
I 2nd this. Please offer us the ability to automatically setup reoccurring payments monthly. It's simply not professional to have to require the customer to go through another checkout just to keep them reoccurring. This should be something easy to implement with Checkouts.
@andrew_mashuplab Thanks for this incredibly in-depth account of exactly how this feature would help out your business.
I do want to be transparent with you and let you know that this isn't currently on our radar of features to implement, but it is these exact workflows that we ask our users about so that we know how exactly this would affect your business, and so we can add these into our considerations in the future when prioritizing new features.
Thanks @virdual . If you'd like to add your personalized workflow and how this would affect your business, we'd be happy to hear it!
As a hosting company and someone who uses flat monthly fees - recurring checkout would be AMAZING! I'm trying to move all my stuff over from paypal and that's the biggest thing in my way.
Yes, Agreed, at this point, this is the only reason PayPal is getting our transaction fees instead of Waveapps. Seems like a no brainer- recurring payments is part of modern business culture.
Let's get it done Waveapps!!
I really need to have reoccurring payments. My business has several items that I pay each month. I really hate that I have to manually type them in every single month!!
Hey there @Lynneb
It sounds like you meant to contribute to our Recurring Billing thread. The checkout thread is about receiving payments automatically on products you sell. Have a read through the other thread for more insight.
As everyone else has said, i also need monthly payment subscription option for customers, so they get automatically charged per month on their credit card - (and it must have the option to NOT send them an invoice). My customers absolutely do not want to get an invoice every month that they have to click and pay AND I certainly don't want to have to chase people to pay.
I'm new to Wave, and loving it so far...BUT now i'm shocked that this feature is missing very disappointed to read that it's not even a priority to develop....it means i have to look for a different platform, which actually makes me sad.
Hey @craigus100! Thanks for reaching out! Have you checked out the Recurring Invoice feature in your account? If you have set up Wave Payments and create a recurring invoice with 'automatic' payments, your customer will be automatically billed and receive a receipt of payment (with a link to the relevant invoice each time). Check out these Wave guides on the topic: How do automatic payments work? & Setting up a recurring invoice.
thanks! Oh i thought that wasnt possible. Related question, can i turn off the sending of the receipt setting...some customers dont want reminding that they pay every month or quarter. thanks.
I'm the third guy in line with the same complaint. This is the kind of feature I'd pay for because if this feature is missing it's a showstopper for the waveapps product.
I LOVE this platform, but this is honestly the biggest aspect that is a deal-breaker for me. Is there any way to be notified when this changes? Gonna have to use stripe until then
Hello! I know this is an old thread but I want to chime in and request this feature. I sell classes on my website and would love to have potential students be able to choose to pay the total amount at once or make monthly payments for higher-cost classes. For example, if it's a $500 class some students can pay that all at once but it would be more accessible for others to pay $100 a month for 5 months. AND it would be easier for me and them if this could happen via a choice of checkout buttons on the website when they are clicking to buy.
I have some reluctance to having a "pay the total amount now" button through Wave and use a different payment processor for 1 click recurring payment type of set-up. I'm also not very keen on having a pay it all now $500 button and a pay $100 now and then I go in and make you a recurring invoice starting a month from now for the next 4 payments process. I'm worried this will add friction to the buyer who sees that first invoice a month later and has to re-enter their information (and it definitely adds work on my end).
I've used recurring invoices in the past and don't mind setting them up but would LOVE to have Wave simplify and automate this through wave checkout - this feature would make selling more high-ticket items a breeze.
Never exactly got back on to reply to this, but...
Similar to @Igz, we also sell classes on our website, billed in 5 instalments. What we're doing now is:
Have a different checkout set up for each class as an initial "instalment." Have an annoying popup that asks the customer to select "Save my card for future payments on the next page!" (If they don't, this doesn't work!! Super annoying to have to put the onus on the customer, though.) The customer enters their info in the checkout, hopefully ticks the box to save their card information, and we get their first payment.
Then we go in and manually set up a recurring invoice for the remaining 4 instalments and opt to bill the customer automatically. But if they didn't save their card information, we have to send them the first invoice in the recurring batch and say, "Hey! Your credit card info didn't save! If you'd like to have the remaining invoices charged automatically, please select..."
It would be so ideal to just have an open-ended live recurring invoice that they could "opt into" at any time. We don't always know who is going to register, unlike a more traditional, brick-and-mortar business where they know all of their customer's details before they bill them.
Wanna know my dream wishlist?
1) Be able to go through the checkout process for a deposit amount of a different value than the rest of the recurring invoice payments, then have your recurring invoice started automatically on a certain date.
2) Be able to pay the first invoice in a recurring batch at any time--anyone can just go on the website and do it, like a checkout--and then have the remaining invoices start on a pre-determined date.
You go on our website any time from June - August. You pay for the first instalment. The remaining instalments start billing as of September 15th, when classes start, and bill on a regular basis from there.
Anyway, that's our two cents!
The Actors Room
I would like to second (third, forth) all of the suggestions here to have recurrent checkouts. Below is the workflow detailing why this would work with recurrent checkouts but not with recurrent invoices.
We are an educational charity depending on donations for our operations. For fundraising, we have a donation page, where people with a couple of clicks can select the amount they want to donate. But they cannot setup a recurrent donation like this. Indeed, when soliciting charitable donations it is key to have as fewer administrative hurdles as possible. They need to write us to setup an invoice - a huge red flag for any fundraising efforts. Thus, recurrent invoices is not a good option for us because it requires substantially more effort on the part of the potential donor to donate. They have to write to us, tell us how the fact that they want to donate, then tell us how much they want to donate per month, etc. I am sure that we would be able to substantially increase our donation stream if we had the option for people to setup recurrent payments through checkouts without the need to contact us first.
Having a feature like that is important not just for us, it is crucial for any charity that depends on receipt of donations. I am also certain that a lack of this feature in Wave prevents many charities from using it. Wave, please offer this option, it would really help our charity to grow.
BIG ASK: Please make it possible to add recurring payments to checkouts. The workaround doing it manually takes too much time, has too many steps, is un-friendly to users, and is very klugey.
This would be a HUGE improvement to the UI for those of us who charge recurring payments for products in Checkout AND make WAve completitive with other online payment platforms who offer this.
The manual process is a pain; recurring checkouts would be amazing. I was just going to set this up and realized it isn't possible. This means that I have to go with Stripe or PayPal to get this going and then have it imported into Wave, which is not great from a reporting standpoint, nor user friendly.
Any news from the Wave team on when this might happen?
Bump! I would also highly desire this functionality! Please escalate the request!