
Email address for invoice reminders

greg_sgreg_s Member Posts: 17

In my small business we have two Wave users, me as owner and my bookkeeper as collaborator with edit rights. She sends invoices, receives them, processes them and tracks them in Wave, etc. The invoices come from her email address as they should. However, invoice reminders come automatically from my email address. I can't find a way to change that to appropriately come from her. Doesn't seem that I would change the Wave account owner's email to my bookkeeper's email address but it appears that is what I have to do. Am I missing something?




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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @greg_s.

    No, you aren't missing anything. The email from which reminders and receipts are sent is always the primary address for that Wave account. It isn't currently possible to change the sender for reminders and receipts. I do understand why you'd expect those to be sent from the same email address as the associated invoice and I'll pass your feedback along to our product.

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    greg_sgreg_s Member Posts: 17

    Thank you. I've already had an issue with this where a customer had an issue with an invoice and it went straight to me, the owner, vs going first to my bookkeeper who is closer to the issue and is therefore in a better position to address the issue. This also circumvented my bookkeeper who is a first line of interaction with the customer and lost the ability of using me as an escalation point.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for following up, @greg_s!

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    greg_sgreg_s Member Posts: 17

    Unfortunately I’m having more issues with the reminder. I’ve had a customer who felt the reminder was unprofessional and took offense at the red “overdue” stamp. We’re considering not using the reminder function and working them manually. This is a shame because it’s a handy function otherwise.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm sorry to hear that, @greg_s. I'll forward this to the team immediately.

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    ionion Member Posts: 3

    Alexia has any progress been made in allowing users to select (or change) the email address from which reminders are being sent? Thank you

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    greg_sgreg_s Member Posts: 17

    Here's the workaround I created as I couldn't wait to resolve this issue.

    • I created a new email address: ex. accounting@mycompany.com then registered this as my email account as the Wave account owner. I have the PW login for this email address.
    • I then went into my email system and forwarded all mail to this address to my bookkeeper.

    This way, when Wave shows that email address as the source of a reminder, it look rather innocuous and normal to the customer and my bookkeeper can follow up in discussions with the customer as appropriate. If I need to get involved then my bookkeeper or customer can reach me at my normal email address.

    Hope this makes sense and helps out others.

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    SakshiSakshi Member Posts: 5 admin

    @greg_s , apologies for not reaching out sooner. And really appreciate you taking out time to reach out to us. The solution you have is a good workaround to solve this problem, thanks for sharing it with all. Unfortunately, we don't have any plan right now to allow users to change the email address in invoice reminders. For now, you can use the auto-forward option so that your Bookkeeper can keep track as well. Thanks

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