Exporting receipts for specific dates

Mango33Mango33 Member Posts: 2

Data Export

Is there any way on the system we can already do this

Under Settings - Data export - Export for Excel

We have to send our receipts to our accountant each month and use the 'Export for Excel' to put these receipts in one file. The problem we have is that the file copies every receipt ever done so our accountant ends up with years of receipts instead of just the one month she is doing the books for. Is there any way you could put a date selection in. Ie from and to dates and only those receipts would be uploaded to the file for export.

Thank you

Any help would be most welcome.

Ps you accounting system is incredibly well designed and easy to use. I only wish we could use your payment system as well but unfortunately our little hotel is not in a country you currently support for this option


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for the love, @Mango33! If we could offer payment processing everywhere, we would! It isn't something we can do in the immediate future, but who knows. Keep talking about us and helping us grow, and it may well happen someday.

    Onto your question! It isn't possible right now, but I can see how that would be helpful to you. My suggestion would actually be to invite your accountant as a collaborator to your account instead. She'd be able to see everything she needs herself without you having to go through the process of creating that document.

    Would that work as an alternative, or does your accountant insist on a separate document? I'm more than happy to forward this suggestion to our Product team.

  • Mango33Mango33 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Alexia, Thank you for your lovely email.
    It would suit us best to be able to do a date selection and if you could pass that request over to your product team it would be appreciated, I would have thought it would be useful to a lot of other people as well
    If ever you would like a holiday in our little boutique hotel on our Caribbean Island of 25 years ago let us know. Our amazing website is tropicalhideawaybequia.com Have a look at where we live if you get time.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I will absolutely pass it along, @Mango33!

    That does look like a beautiful place to be :)

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