
Wave Checkout: How to Avail

Marcus_1979Marcus_1979 Member Posts: 5


Would like to inquire how I can get started with Wave Checkout.

1.) On our Wave Account we do not have the option to click Sales > Checkouts, which are the instructions according to your article: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005489746--BETA-Introducing-Checkout-by-Wave-An-easy-professional-way-to-get-paid-up-front

I would like to acquire a link so that I can embed a Wave Checkout to our Wix Site.

2.) My assumption is that every time a customer would like to purchase from us it will go through Wave Checkout and thus Income for the business will be recorded in our Wave Accounting platform automatically. Is this correct?

Thank you!


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    RezaReza Member Posts: 24 admin

    Hey Marcus,

    Checkouts are still in beta and are being gradually rolled out to more users. Once your account becomes eligible you would be able to see the link in the left navigation pane. You can then create new Checkouts and embed the link in Wix.

    The answer to your second question is yes, Wave performs the bookkeeping for Checkout transactions automatically.

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    Marcus_1979Marcus_1979 Member Posts: 5

    Hi Reza,

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    How can our account become eligible? Would we have to pay for the service?

    Also, would you have an estimate of how long it might take for our account to be given access to the beta?

    If I'm not mistaken, Wave Checkouts functions like a customized version of PayPal, is that correct?

    Thank you

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    Marcus_1979Marcus_1979 Member Posts: 5

    Also, is Wave Checkouts the same as, or falls under Payments by Wave?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Marcus_1979.

    It's under the Payment by Wave umbrella, yes. Note that, for the foreseeable future, Checkout will only be available for businesses in Canada and the United States.

    We don't have a date to share for its launch out of testing just yet, but we aim to make it available to all users in Canada and the United States. Transactions processed through Checkout will be subject to the same transaction fees as other payments we process.

    It's a little less flexible than PayPal at this time. It only allows customers to buy items one-by-one. In its current form, it's perfect for a consultant who charges a flat fee for an initial consultation, for example. That consultant could take payments for initial meetings on their website and create follow-up invoices according to the needs of their client.

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    TimKTimK Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    Wave Checkouts isn't all that useful. You aren't missing out. I don't think it does what you think it does. As Alexia noted, you can just create individual "checkouts" for a certain charge for a single item/service. As she mentioned, if you just have one service that you would like to charge for (say you detail cars for $99), you can create a checkout for Car Detailing - $99.00 and send the link to customers to pay. It is not like a shopping cart where customers can add items to the cart and at the end pay a total amount. It is a preset amount for a preset service. If you have 10 services, you would have to create a separate checkout for each one and send the appropriate link to a customer to pay for that particular service.


    @Marcus_1979 said:

    Would like to inquire how I can get started with Wave Checkout.

    1.) On our Wave Account we do not have the option to click Sales > Checkouts, which are the instructions according to your article: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005489746--BETA-Introducing-Checkout-by-Wave-An-easy-professional-way-to-get-paid-up-front

    I would like to acquire a link so that I can embed a Wave Checkout to our Wix Site.

    2.) My assumption is that every time a customer would like to purchase from us it will go through Wave Checkout and thus Income for the business will be recorded in our Wave Accounting platform automatically. Is this correct?

    Thank you!

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    Marcus_1979Marcus_1979 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you for the help Alexia, Tim and Reza. That cleared a lot of things up. Cheers

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    KNAUSdigitalKNAUSdigital Member Posts: 3

    Hi all,

    We are having the same issue as @Marcus_1979 - cannot see the Checkout option under the "Sales" dropdown. We are located in the USA so I'm trying to figure out why this isn't showing up and how to get it going. This will be very useful in a website we are launching and it's nice to know I can stay with Wave for this one.

    Thanks in advance,

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    KNAUSdigitalKNAUSdigital Member Posts: 3

    Afterthought: Is the Checkout page mobile optimized?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @KNAUSdigital,

    Checkout is still in testing and isn't available for all users just yet. We're eager to be able to bring that new feature to more Wavers, but it isn't quite ready for a full release yet. Our engineers are working hard to bring it to you as soon as possible, so stay tuned. I can't offer a timeline but know that it's on its way.

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    ChrisLancChrisLanc Member Posts: 3

    Why will Checkout only be available in the US and Canada?

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @ChrisLanc. It's only available in North America for the time being based on the fact that we currently also only process payments in North America (since checkouts are paid via our processing platform). With that said, this could be available far down the road in other parts of the world, but we do not have any concrete or immediate plans here.

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    ChrisLancChrisLanc Member Posts: 3

    I'm not sure what you mean, as payment processing by Wave (using Stripe) is working fine for us here in Australia. It looks like this feature is just a further integration between Wave and Stripe, but since it's not offered here we are having to look for a workaround where we use Stripe Checkouts directly rather than mediated by Wave. It's a hassle, as having Stripe Checkouts embedded in Wave would be a great deal simpler.

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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hey @ChrisLanc apologies for the miscommunication, and thanks for taking the time to provide more information about how you use Stripe Checkouts and Wave. Checkout by Wave is only available in North America because it uses Wave's rails for payments processing, and as you noticed, in other parts of the world, like Australia, Wave integrates with Stripe to offer payment services.

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    solartrendssolartrends Member Posts: 1

    I can not as of yet see Checkout under the Sales menu. Is Wave Checkouts still in Beta.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @solartrends

    Checkouts is currently in beta and will be released to all North American users once we've moved everyone over to newest version of Wave. We are still in the process of migrating users, but once this is done for all of our North American users, they should all have access to Checkouts. Thanks so much for your patience.

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    BevBev Member Posts: 1

    Hi there
    I'd like to use Wave Checkout immediately, and I don't see it in my Sales bar. it's now April 2020 so I'm assuming it's available? I'm in Canada.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Bev

    North American's should have access to the checkouts feature. Just curious what are you seeing under the Sales tab? Does it look like the image below?

    You'll need to onboard your payments application as well under Sales > Payments.

    Do let us know what you're seeing. Also you'll want to be sure that you're logged in under the primary email that you used to create your account.

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