How to correctly record cash to bank and vice versa
![Ikhwan Burhanuddin](
Hi all,
Sorry I am a bit noob in accounting. Just want to know the appropriate way to keep account records if cash transfers to bank and vice versa.
What I did at the moment is use income/expense in a specific category but just change the Account type.
Thanks for helping me out.
I totally relate to this, I recently realized I messed up some of my transactions and had to go back and enter them a different way
If you mean how to record moving money between accounts [transfer] you can key that into Wave with the transfer option on the Transaction page. Click the two transactions and then the transfer button and you will see them link up, but the transactions have to be the same amount to create a transfer. if not same amount you may need to add a transaction.
Cool ! Thanks for the tips
I'm definitely in the same boat...When I click both transactions for the transfer it doesn't give me a transfer button to press to link them. Is this example within two different accounts (i.e. personal to business)? Do you need to click on the transfer from and the transfer to in both account? Thanks