Add job title to customer contact info and two email addresses

SteveRSteveR Member Posts: 4

How do you add a job title to the customer contact info so that it shows up on an invoice?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SteveR.

    For job titles, my recommendation would be to use the "First Name" field for your contact's entire name and the "Last Name" field for their title. Wave's character limit is typically generous, so you should be able to fit everything you need on there. You can add ad comma at the end of the "First Name" field as well to better separate the name and title.

    You can't currently add multiple emails to a customer's profile in Wave. It's possible to send an invoice to multiple recipients, but those recipients need to be added manually on an invoice-by-invoice basis. This has been requested a fair bit, and while I can't make promises, I can tell you that feedback from our users has a significant impact on what we choose to build next.

    Do you find that a lot of your clients require documents sent to multiple addresses?

  • SteveRSteveR Member Posts: 4

    I tried that, but it puts first name and last name in the same line. I have one client in particular that has two direct contacts and Is like both of their info to be included in the customer address so as not to seem as there’s only one we deal with. Politics, etc.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, @SteveR.

    You won't be able to do this with Wave for the time being. I'll be sure to pass your comments along to the right people on this end.

  • SPM_2206SPM_2206 Member Posts: 2

    GO Settings..... Default subheading and Type Reference:
    then it will be added to the header of the invoice and u can chance it as u go

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SPM_2206,

    This wouldn't add it to the customer's address block, however, which is what @SteveR is looking for. Adding email addresses or customer titles to the subheader of an invoice would make it look like that information was added to your own address block, which isn't the intention here. If I'm misunderstanding your comment, could you give us more details on what you mean?

  • MJSMJS Member Posts: 14

    The multiple email address would be key as we normally have a specific billing person for our matters, which can be different from the person we are initially dealing with. being able to send them both the invoice, without having to always type the second email and have reminders go to them both would be ideal.

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