
PayPal refresh

deepeedeepee Member Posts: 1

Hi, I have linked my PayPal account to Wave and it has pulled in all the transactions fine last week. New transactions from this week have not been pulled in, how do I get it to 'refresh' or do I have to add future transactions manually?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @deepee.

    I'll start by saying that the Paypal integration has a lot of issues as it is now. We're currently working on a new API which aims to improve all of our offerings when it comes to integrations.

    For the time being, the most reliable way to get your Paypal transactions to Wave is to use a CSV report of your Paypal transaction to create a "bank" statement that you can bring to Wave using the bank statement upload feature. Here's how to do this.

    With that said, you can force a refresh by going to the Integrations page, clicking the pencil icon next to your Paypal account, changing the upload date and saving it. It should upload your more recent transactions.

    edited August 24, 2018
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