More than 3 Invoice/Estimate Template options

TechieGuyTechieGuy Member Posts: 1

Does Wave have the ability to select and customize from more than the 3 Invoice and estimate templates? We are a contractor and often need to be able to have forms labelled Work Order, Monitoring... and not have to change the title manually every time.

While on that note... We need the ability to do estimates on the fly with IOS or Android. When is that coming?


  • KatyRogersArtKatyRogersArt Member Posts: 6

    Totally agree - I'd love a little more variety in the invoices - in particular I'd like to have dates for each item.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @TechieGuy and @KatyRogersArt. I'd love to have a bit more information from both of you.

    @TechieGuy, as it stands, you can change the header of the invoice manually, but even adding new templates wouldn't allow you to give different templates different parameters. Can you give me more information on the kind of documents you require and in what circumstances you would need them to have a different header?

    I don't have details to offer as to adding the ability to create estimates on mobile, but I can tell you that we have big plans when it comes to mobile support in the future. Do you use the Invoice app a lot? Are you often in a position where you want to create an estimate while "in the field", so to speak?

    @KatyRogersArt, can you give me a bit more context about why you would need dates in their own column? We would usually recommend adding those to the description for a given item if it's necessary. What field do you work in? Is this required by your clients?

    The more information you can share, the better we'll be able to understand the kind of impact these features would have on your business and on your day-to-day work.

  • KatyRogersArtKatyRogersArt Member Posts: 6

    Hi Alexia,

    I work in photography, but more specifically photojournalism. The way it works is we bill on a bi-monthly basis, so every item needs to be dated within one invoice - so for ex:

    Invoice Date: 8/10/18
    8/5/18 - House Fire
    8/6/18 - Community Celebration
    8/9/18 - Political Rally

    Essentially recurring clients where you aren't under an individual contract for one assignment but a number of assignments throughout a certain time period.

    Currently, the work around I'm using is the "Other" option under "Items" Title and labeling it as "Date". This is great, but I wish there was an automated "insert date" method like there is for the overall invoice - that way the items would automatically go in order and the date would have it's own line next to the item - and the date would be set up like it is on other parts of the invoice so it would automatically know to arrange it in the same fashion - like by the year and whatnot.

    If this calendar feature could be an option to pop up at "Other" it would make things run more organized for my line of work!

    edited August 28, 2018
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