
Duplicate transaction matching (identification) not working

AirikAirik Member Posts: 3

I have credit card transactions from the Receipts app. When I upload a qfx from bank, I get a message that there may be duplicates, and that it will mark them. Yet it does not identify and mark any of the duplicates. The entries from Receipts have nearly the exact same details--Just a slight difference in the Description field. Is this matching function not working, or am I missing something?

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Airik.

    While there is a duplicate flagging system, it won't necessarily successfully flag duplicates as is. We are working on new ways to automatically merge these transactions but for the time being, your best option is careful reconciliation. You can merge those transactions with their matching receipts by selecting both transactions and clicking the Merge button.

    I understand that this isn't convenient, but know that we're actively working on ways to make this process easier in future.

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