
How can i see the total i spent per category

GeorgeSGeorgeS Member Posts: 1

Hi i would like to know how can i see the total per category. For example how much i spent on restaurants, office supplies etc. I need the total amount of all the receipts in that category.


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    Paul1895Paul1895 Member Posts: 1
    Did you find out how to do this?
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @GeorgeS, our apologies your post may have been neglected!
    Hi @Paul1895

    Have you folks checked out the account transactions (general ledger) report then filtered by the account type (and date too if you like)? This should give you a balance for that account (both money in, and out). Have a look and let us know if this helps.

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    rajapriyan_20rajapriyan_20 Member Posts: 1

    @BarsinA There is no filter option. Selecting the ledger(account) that you want to see does not mean filter.
    1. For ex, if i want to see all the food expenses that i made through xxx bank account, its not possible to view (unless i export to excel).
    2. In Double entry book keeping, you give more importance to the debit and credit ledgers(accounts) rather than the narration (description of the transaction). When i open the xxx bank account in general ledger, i see only the description of the transaction. Where is the category(the credit account in case of deposit & debit account in case of withdrawal) of each transaction???? This does not meet the basic requirement of an accounting software....

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @rajapriyan_20

    Two things I'd like to address:

    1. You're correct about the double entry accounting and what data is missing. I think the major difference here is that when you select the transaction in your reports, it takes you to the details of that transaction showing you this data. As a cloud based service we create an action to get this information. It's not displayed there on the report.
    2. I notice you're currently using an older version of Wave. But don't worry we're doing our best to migrate everyone over from Classic accounting to the latest version. Our team is having some difficulties migrating some users with very robust longstanding accounts. But we're still determining ways to get there.

    If you have a spare email I'd create a brand new Wave account at waveapps.com to play around with our newer version of the transactions and reports page.

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    Roatanbj3Roatanbj3 Member Posts: 1

    Just tried suggestion above and can't see any way to get totals for categories.
    Please advise.
    Need that feature to do my taxes

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    unherdofunherdof Member Posts: 2

    @GeorgeS said:
    Hi i would like to know how can i see the total per category. For example how much i spent on restaurants, office supplies etc. I need the total amount of all the receipts in that category.

    1) Select "Reports" on left menu bar, which will bring you to the "Reports" page.

    2) Scroll down to bottom and select "Account Transactions (General Ledger)", which will bring you to the "Account Transactions" page.

    3) Under the "Account Transactions" page heading, use the "Account" dropdown to display a list of your accounts (as well as your account categories). Select the account category(ies) that you want included in your report.

    NOTE: When you scroll down this "Account" dropdown list, you will see that it will display not only your connected accounts as "Assets" and "Liabilities & Credit Cards", but it will also display your account categories under the "Income", "Expenses" and "Equity".

    TIP: When the "Account" dropdown to selected, you can quickly find the category(ies) you want selected by using the "Search" field.

    4) Once you have selected the category(ies) that you want included in your report, use the blue "Update Report" button to display a report of your selected category(ies).

    5) If you like, you can now export this report by using the "Export" button located on the top right of the page.

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