still no bank connections established

ChrissiChrissi Member Posts: 6

Hi there!

I am really happy about using Wave for my small business in the caribbean.

the only things that doesntseem to work is, I think also one of the most important things, the bank connection.
I have requested this several times before starting up my business in order to have it done in time, and before sending out my first invoice to my clients.

In the app on my computer I was asked to fill out the name of the bank, and had to search for it in your bank list. Since it didn't appear, I had to fill in the URL of the bank, and I would hear about my request as soon as possible.

Almost a month later, I still have not received any information about the status and I was hoping you can help me with that?

Thanks sooo much!



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Chrissi,

    I understand how frustrating that must be, but it's unfortunately not in Wave's hands. We use a third-party data provider for our bank connection system. While it allows us to connect to thousands of banks all over the world, it makes it so we don't have direct control over decisions or on the resolution of many issues that can crop up. When you fill in that form, it's sent to our data provider who will then assess which new bank to connect through their network following their own priority order.

    The best thing you can do to try and get your bank added to that list is to get other Wave users who use the same bank to also request it to be added. Until your bank is supported, you'll have to upload your bank statements manually.

    edited September 6, 2018
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