Cannot establish bank connection

Good evening community,
I am the representative of Davamobi company and I would like to connect my Wave account to our bank account. However, when I try to do that I don't find our bank in the list of the banks supported by Wave. I tried to add it manually few days ago but haven't seen any updates on this matter since then. Also I tried to add the bank statement directly but the attempt was also unsuccessfull because the system doesn't recognize our statement every time because of the different reasons ( incorrect date, amount). As we have too many transactions on our bank account it's almost impossible to fill in the .csv table manually. That is why I would like to ask you to try to reach our bank and to add it into your system. Otherwise give us please a piece of advice what we can do in this situation.
Thank you in advance. Looking forward to your reply!
Hi, @Davamobi,
Making a request for a new bank to be supported doesn't add it automatically. What it does is forward your request to our third-party bank data provider, who assesses which banks to support next following their own system. It does not guarantee that your bank will be added, but only informs our data provider about your interest.
As for your bank statement, it's difficult to say what could've happened without seeing a few lines from the statement itself. Could you share a screenshot of a bit of your statement? It'll give us the best idea of what might've happened.
Hi, @Davamobi,
Can you try and open it with Google Sheets rather than excel? That file does not look right at all. Are you sure it's in CSV format and not in XLSX?
Hi, @Davamobi,
Have you tried exporting it as a CSV from Google Sheets and uploading it to Wave directly? Excel can cause problems, on occasion. Could you share a screenshot of the file as it appears on Google Sheets as well?
Hi, @Davamobi,
I can see the issue. The amounts in your CSV file have commas in them. CSVs consider commas to be separations between cells, so Wave and Excel are both seeing your document as having more columns that it actually has. If you remove those commas, it should fix the problem.
Hi, @davamobi,
I looked over this with a colleague and there are a few more things to try.
Let me know if either of these suggestions helps. You can also try any other troubleshooting suggestion from the link above.