Workflow between Receipts and Transactions

chesyachesya Member Posts: 2

I have a couple of pain points as I enter receipts using the app and then finalize them as Transactions. Maybe others experience this too? Or maybe there is a better way for me to do this.

My workflow:

  • use Receipt app to add receipts
  • use the Notes field to describe what was purchased
  • confirm receipt and change to Done status

  • on browser Wave app, go to Transactions under Accounting, find the transaction for the receipt, expand 'Show details'

  • the Vendor field is not assigned, even though it was already labeled on the receipt's Merchant field. [Suggestion: by default pre-populate the Merchant to the Vendor field to save having to enter this info again, which BTW, I have to do or the Vendor report will be missing data. Also, why are the Merchant and Vendor labels different--shouldn't they be the same thing for consistency?]
  • have to assign Vendor

  • the Transaction Notes field is blank, as it doesn't carry over the Notes field from the Receipt

  • the Transaction Details pane shows a few field values from the receipt at the bottom, but not Notes, which would have made it relatively easy to copy/paste as the info is right there.
  • So I have to go back to the Receipts section under Purchases, find the receipt, view the Receipt form, copy the Notes and go back to the Transaction section and paste it into the Transaction Notes field (keeping them open in different tabs helps a little)
  • What would be helpful would be to add the Notes field to the Receipt info at the bottom of the details view of the Transaction, so that the info is right there to copy/paste. Or better yet, pre-populate the Transaction Notes field with the Receipt Notes field. Then I wouldn't need to do extra work.

These two changes would really enhance the workflow for me and eliminate tons of clicking and copy/pasting!


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for the detailed feedback, @chesya! I'm more than happy to pass it along.

    Can I ask what kind of information you put in the Notes sections?

  • chesyachesya Member Posts: 2

    Hi Alexia, I use the Notes sections to record more details about what I purchased with the receipt. Since I am using Wave to manage a rental property, I use the notes to record expenses related to the rental such as buying a hammer, buying replacement glass for a broken window, etc. This way I don't have to open up each receipt and figure out what was purchased (plus the receipt can often use abbreviations, which doesn't make sense months later if I need to refer to it).

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for following up with extra details, @chesya.

    I can't make any promises or guarantees, but I can tell you that feedback from our users has a significant impact on how we choose what to work on next. Thank you for taking the time to share.

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