Wells Fargo - Neither Link Account Nor Manual Import Work


I have tried for the last 5 hours to get something to import into Wave from my Wells Fargo Business Checking account.

Tonight is my first attempt at using Wave and as a test I attempted to link a little used account with very few transactions. All appears to go well and I get the notice that my transactions are being imported. However even after an hour the notice is still there saying data is being imported, but there is no data under Transactions. So I cancelled and tried again. Same thing. No data. So I deleted the connection and reset it. Tried again. Same thing.

Finally after a few hours of trying to link the account I decided to give the manual route a try. So I downloaded my transactions into a CSV and attempted to upload that. I specified the correct columns for mapping and I get the same exact thing: "Your transactions are being imported from your bank statement. Please check back in a few minutes." But after nearly an hour nothing. Tried again. Nothing.

Now the interesting thing is that earlier tonight I tried a competing app, as I was testing both to decide between this other app or your app. The other app linked to my account flawlessly and imported my transactions in about 2 minutes. The ONLY reason I am not using the other app right now instead of monkeying around with Wave is because I prefer Wave's UI.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @IBDAMAN,

    I'm sorry to hear you had this experience during your very first attempt at using Wave. There was an issue with bank connections and bank statement uploads over the weekend, you can read a bit more about it here.

    Everything should be resolved now. Can you try connecting to your bank again? Let me know if everything works as it should. If it doesn't, I'll be more than happy to help you resolve this.

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