Unable to record my first transaction

MuzahidMuzahid Member Posts: 2

I am new to WAVE. After having created some account-heads under Chart of Accounts, I wanted to start with my first transaction under Accounting> Transaction. I don't want to connect my bank account with WAVE as yet as I prefer to make my entries manually. As I click on 'Add Expense'. a tab opens up with current date and asks to write a description. Simply nothing happens as I want to write a description. I wanted to change the transaction date field to 01st Sept, but even the date change doesn't seem to work. Had wasted more than an hour to figure out how to record the first transaction, which is basically - Dr. Cash in Hand / Cr. Capital investment.


  • jinxer6939jinxer6939 Member Posts: 1

    I'm having the same problem. Has anyone given you a solution?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Muzahid and @jinxer6939,

    Can you both try clearing your browser's cache and trying again? It can fix a lot of issues that can come up with Wave. If you don't use Chrome or Firefox, I recommend switching to one of them. They tend to be the most stable option with Wave.

    Are you using any browser extensions? Some extensions, ad-blockers for example, can interrupt some of Wave's processes and cause all kinds of issues. If you do use extensions, try turning them off, refreshing the page and trying again.

    Let me know if that helps!

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