Bank connection issues

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin


  • rucorosarucorosa Member Posts: 1

    I'm still having an issue with bank connections and uploads...started on Thursday PM PST and have not resolved for me.

    Clicking UPDATE shows as successful - but no transactions show up in register.

    I tried uploading statements in EVERY format - spent hours on this - they all show the same message; that everything worked and to check back in a few moments; but no transactions show up.

    Interestingly, my other company has no issue uploading....yet.

    I ended up manually entering massive amounts (my corporate tax return is due 9/17!) just to get it done....but I'm left to wonder whether I made the wrong decision on selecting Wave as my accounting system.

    I mean, I would pay good money for some type of technical support - but all of my trouble tickets have yet to be updated other than canned response.

    I was initially blown away by the ease of use Wave was - when it worked.

    But I've been a bit dismayed at the lack of response with my support tickets and no status other than that the problem has been resolved.

    edited September 11, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @rucorosa,

    There were issues with both transaction uploads from bank connections and from bank statement uploads. Are you still experiencing those issues now? If so, is it happening for a specific bank?

    Could you try logging out of Wave, clearing your browser's cache, doing a hard refresh (Shift+CTRL+R) and logging back on before updating your bank connections again? That can often help with various issues that can crop up with Wave. Let me know if that helps.

    The reason why you only received automated replies for your support requests is that we can't provide much in the way of support when it comes to bank connection issues. We use a third-party provider for our bank connection system. While it allows us to connect to thousands of bank, it means that we have little direct control over resolving issues that can appear. We do report issues with bank connections back to our data provider, who then work towards resolving them in their own priority order.

    Our automated reply explains this and offers a few troubleshooting steps that can help with some common issues. In most cases, that's the extent of what we can do to help. I understand that it can be frustrating to receive automated replies like this and if you find that our automation could do a better job explaining this, I'm more than happy to forward that piece of feedback to the appropriate person at WaveHQ.

    I'm also happy to see how I can help you troubleshoot this problem here if my suggestions above don't help.

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