Bank Connection Issue. Can't put SSN number.

YashYash Member Posts: 3

Hi Team,

We received our first payment today but our Bank account wasn't setup yet. When I tried to setup Bank account so it's asking for SSN number but we don't have SSN since we are not staying in United States but operating from India. Also, I can't see the option of Foreign address other than the United States. Can you please help me with what can I put in SSN field so we can proceed further with the setup.

FYI, we have Business Checking bank account in United States but no SSN.

Please help ASAP.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Yash,

    I see that you've already been in contact with our support team through email. We'll complete all necessary verification and reach back out to you by email the moment your request has been processed. Thank you so much for your patience.

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