
Growing your Business

JJTCJJTC Member Posts: 35 ✭✭

I was in attendance with the CPA Academy today and they had an amazing webinar regarding growing your practice and not being overwhelmed and underpriced. The content was amazing and I could not believe all that I had learned in a free webinar about how to conduct my business better. My key take aways were: Delegating tasks, creating goals as trimesters and understanding my target markets. I am telling you having a firm understanding of the type of clients you want to have and their demographics as well as knowing your trimester goals for you and your staff will help you and your team have a fun working environment instead of just a work environment where no one loves where they work at.
What are your demographics and how do you tell a potential client they don't fit?
Do you use call to action buttons and if so how have they worked for you?

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