created transfer

melissa18melissa18 Member Posts: 13

Is the created transfer function a new thing? When I try to categorized a transfer from checking to savings the system is creating a created transfer and seems to be also duplicating the entry. Please help. Thanks.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @melissa18,

    It isn't a new feature, no. When you categorize a transaction as a transfer, Wave will automatically try to match it to a transaction with the same amount in the other account. If it can't find any matching transactions, it will create a new one.

    Is Wave failing to match up transfers accurately? As long as the two transactions are in the same currency and for the same amount, they should match up automatically. Can you share a screenshot of the mismatching transactions? It might give us a better idea of what's causing this issue.

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