Diiferent futures

GC9440GC9440 Member Posts: 2

Hi Charlotte,
I have a two different account. One account was created in 2014 and 2nd account created in 2017. Both account has different futures. I have different log in for both account btw. Why is that ? It making me so confuse.
Please help.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @GC9440,

    I can explain this. We've been in the process of moving all of our users over to a new version of Wave for some time now. We plan on updating the accounts of all of our users, but we've had to migrate Wavers gradually, as the resources became available. We're still going through this process, which means that we aren't quite done with bringing those new features to all of our users.

    The upgrade is coming, we just have to be careful with this migration to ensure the integrity of your data. Because of this, we only move an account over when we are absolutely sure it won't cause any issue.

    I hope this clears things up! If you have any questions, you're more than welcome to ask.

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