Text Filter on 'Description' column on Transactions page

MessmerizaMessmeriza Member Posts: 4

Is there no way to filter on the Descriptions column in the Transactions page?

Seems like the most simplest & most useful function that should be on this page. Often I have transactions from the same vendor appearing as 'Uncategorized Expense', the easiest would be to filter the description by vendor name and bulk assigning all those transactions to the same Category.

edited September 22, 2018 in Accounting Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Messmeriza,

    This is actually possible in the new version of Wave, but I can see your account wasn't moved over yet. We're hoping to be done with the migration within the next few months, so stay tuned. That exact feature is on its way to you.

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