Can we Upload Transactions Selecting a Non-Cash Asset Account

Mohamed Imran Buhary Seyed MohamedMohamed Imran Buhary Seyed Mohamed Member Posts: 25 ✭✭

I have tried to upload some transactions selecting an account other that the accounts under the "Cash and Bank". Even though all steps of the upload were completed successfully upon completion the transactions were not coming into the "Transactions" Page.


  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey Mohamed,

    Right now, it is only possible to assign transactions' accounts to payment accounts. These include cash & bank, credit card, loan, and holding accounts.

    If the transactions list that you tried to upload to was uploaded to another account type, then this is likely why the upload was unsuccessful.


  • Mohamed Imran Buhary Seyed MohamedMohamed Imran Buhary Seyed Mohamed Member Posts: 25 ✭✭

    Why dont you enable it as it will become a handy alternative to punching in numerous Journal Transactions one by one... I had written a detailed message on this subject to Charlotte, but no response from her. I know she is busy with too much work, but I feel it would make life easier for most people who are on the lookout to gather historic transactions. The technical handling can be made easy as follows:

    The upload format will remain same i.e. DATE, DESCRIPTION & AMOUNT - the same old three columns, but the Debits and Credits would be posted in Uncategorized Income and Uncategorised Expense Accounts to complete the Double entry with an open option to be amended/re-classified later.

    I hope this would be a great enhancement if we can implement it. It would attract more business accounting to wave due the fact that Business Accounting is not merely Deposits & Withdrawals, rather there are significant Non-Cash transactions (Accruals, Provisions, Amortizations etc).

    If you need any further clarifications regarding this subject, please feel free to discuss with me.

    Best Regards,


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