Urgent : Buy equipment (Asset)

ayambungahayambungah Member Posts: 2

so, i buy equipment for my restaurant business. it's not an operating expense, and i think it's an asset. how to record this kind of expense?


  • BoogaBooga Member Posts: 10

    I just had to do this and did the following.
    Under chart of accounts in the Assets tab there is a Property, Plant, Equipment type.
    You can create a new account under there and call it what you want. I called mine Club Equipment.
    You can then select it when you choose a category for the expense.

    edited September 29, 2018
  • ayambungahayambungah Member Posts: 2

    i tried that too before,
    but when i buy something and put it under that account, my money not reduced.
    it's like you move money to another asset account, not expense account,
    can you explain?
    wave is good, but the support is not

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