
Wave accountant ?

mmrajoommrajoo Member Posts: 5

Why cant there be a simple Country State City listing of Wave Pros, why do we have to have this discussion.
Its great if Wave was a fun app, but if one has to use it professionally the platform should list accountants by country/state/city

I am in the Boston area and looking for someone who can help me setup my wave account for free.
I used to have a LLC for a couple of years which I am closing and want to make sure all the books are good.
I have very few transactions on the account, just messed up the chart-of-accounts as Wave seemed to have added too many accounts



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @mmrajoo,

    While it is true that it isn't currently possible to search a directory for a Wave-savvy accountant like it was in with the old Pro Network, this space is still in its infancy and we are still working on building and growing it, adding new features as time goes on. Being able to easily search for Wave Pros in your area is absolutely on our list.

    The best way to find a Wave Pro in your area right now is to either search for the name of your city or state using the Community's search function (I took a look and found @StaceySimon who's also in Boston, maybe you two would be a good match!) or post here and clearly outline what you're looking for in your post's title.

    I hope this helps!

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    StaceySimonStaceySimon Member Posts: 5

    I totally agree. I used to get several inquiries from the professional listings and now they have changed their site, it has become much harder to seek out local help. I think this helps Wave sell their own bookkeeping services instead of helping locals connect.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @StaceySimon thanks for reaching out! Our aim here is by no means to end our relationship to Wave Pros. Our internal team of bookkeepers is small - fewer than 10 people - and currently already very overbooked. There is absolutely room for both. We value you very much as customers and partners in our effort to empower and support small business owners. The previous version of the network didn't allow for any real sort of relationship building or oversight by Wave. This sometimes resulted in negative experiences for business owners on the platform.

    I think what you're speaking to is more related to the newness of this project. We've grown steadily, but we still have a relatively small membership as compared to the whole of the Wave userbase. There are more pros because we made an effort to invite active accountants and bookkeepers here.

    What I'd like to do is figure out how we can make this space work for you, and business owners who might be searching for accountants. If you're interested, I'd love to schedule a research interview so that I can learn more about what you need.

    edited October 10, 2018
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    mmrajoommrajoo Member Posts: 5

    I myself am an engineer but after recently graduating business school, I really like to call engineers as creative technical artists. A number of the companies who employ engineers hence have a tendency to become such "art houses" where little attention is paid to what the customers really want. I was looking at the Wave team and product, for a few years now and I feel you folks have an excellent product and platform, however its really not solving any problem for your customers, case in point, myself am now looking elsewhere. I have talked to a number of accountants in my school and other local accountants including my CPA and his accounting firm and no one has any clue about waveapps. The only Boston connection I found here through linkedIN and here is @StaceySimon.
    There is Prof Bharat Anand in HBS, who has written this book, The Content Trap: A Strategist's Guide to Digital Change is an excellent read for your management team, especially the guy running your business strategy. In a nutshell you should be figuring of expanding your network of StacySimons rather than overburdening your team of 10 internal book-keepers. Next you already have a "Wave Pros" brand, you need to simultaneously expand that to almost all places/schools which churn out accountants.
    This community forum is great but it does not solve the problem of finding a bookkeeper or accountant in any way, a simple directory listing would go a very long way, looks like you used to have that earlier and I really don't know why you stopped that.
    Anyways, I will hang around here for a while but most likely I will move to a different platform.
    Thanks and Regards

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    StaceySimonStaceySimon Member Posts: 5

    The way to make space for both types of services is to allow users to more easily find people like me through your site. You used to do this, and it was taken down with some sort of intent otherwise it would still be there. I have plenty of local business, so I am not concerned for the sake of my business. As @mmrajoo mentions if they cannot find local help they may stop using the service.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @StaceySimon @mmrajoo the pre-exisiting tool was built on a very old part of our platform that no longer exists. We're working on rebuilding a system that is more easily searchable now, here in the Community. As I've mentioned, I'm keen to learn more about how you might like to use something like this (for example, what information you'd like to surface to prospective clients, or specifically what you'd like to see in a directory). If you're interested in chatting over the phone, please do let me know.

    edited October 11, 2018
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    VCSVCS Member Posts: 3

    @Charlotte I'm a new user and looking for a bookkeeper. This thread is the first place I'm coming to in order to start my search. It makes no sense that you took down capability of showing what bookkeepers were available that know your system and where they are located. Why wouldn't you just post a list if the old platform/tool has been decomm'd? I'm looking for someone in Seatte, and would be happy to scroll down a list to find the names in Seattle. My tax CPA does bookkeeping, but only for QuickBooks clients. I will have to switch platforms if I can't find a good bookkeeper here, so I can use her services.

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @VCS the intention is not to fully remove the Pro Network from the community, but to reorganize it into a better space. In fact, this link should take you to an organized space where most of the Wave Pro postings can be found: https://community.waveapps.com/categories/find-an-accountant-or-bookkeeper. I also really appreciate your feedback on what might be helpful in terms of what the future Wave Pro network could look like and have passed this along to the appropriate avenues at Wave.

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    AvaryAvary Member Posts: 2

    I would like to second what I've heard from others here.
    I'm a Wave customer. I do all my own bookkeeping - but I need someone to run my 990 tax forms for my non-profit.

    Being able to quickly say I'm in SF, California, and a non-profit and be able to find professionals I could hire would be amazing. I really don't want to have to switch to Quickbooks - but may not have a choice in the future if I cannot find an accountant who can serve my organization.

    I also agree with @mmrajoo -- you all should be doing more outreach to accounting professionals and recent graduates so that there are more folks who are trained to use your system - most professionals I've spoken to have never heard of your product and are unwilling to look into it.

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    JJTCJJTC Member Posts: 35 ✭✭
    @Charlotte and @JordanFromWave my suggestion for a quick search tool would be to have a database where potential clients can look up Wave Pros by location. There should be another section listed as Find a Pro Advisor; then list them in order of state and city. That way a potential client can go to that database and search their city and state, see the creds from an advisor and reach out if they are interested. It will also be helpful if you list their areas of expertise. This way a potential client would not have to comb through the hundreds of names looking for key components in an advisor.
    Stating this because I see several posts of people looking for specifics in their CPA or bookkeeper or EA and they have 0 comments. That platform would take out the guesswork and make it easier to find the needed help.

    Keep up the good work. You guys are listening to your clientele and making the changes as you are able. All the best😊
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