
JudeRoseJudeRose Member Posts: 21

Is it possible (yet) to upload journals to Wave?
Using other software for payroll so would be great to upload data


  • Shaun_SGL_ServicesShaun_SGL_Services Member Posts: 16
    I would also find this easier than entering all the debits and credits for every process date.
    edited September 30, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @JudeRose and @Shaun_SGL_Services,

    It isn't currently possible to do this, so those journal entries will have to be added manually. I can easily imagine how big a time-saver that could be. I'll pass your feedback along to our product team. I can't make any promises, but know that your feedback has an important impact on what we choose to build next for Wave. Thank you for sharing yours!

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