
Looking for new Ventures

nmcerrenmcerre Member Posts: 1

I am looking for new ventures or services. I own three businesses currently: Website Development, Business Consulting and Investing, and Real Estate Does anyone need a website, want business consulting, or need a new investor? I am here to help.


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    PattyJPattyJ Member Posts: 14

    I think soliciting business is against the forum rules, but wish you the best with your businesses!

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @PattyJ we really appreciate that!

    @nmcerre wish you luck as well.

    I think in regards to the rules there's room for nuance and perhaps this is a good time for me to review and clarify them. We totally appreciate that networking here has a lot of potential value. Our Community is populated by entrepreneurs around the world, and if we might help in facilitating new business relationships, that would be fantastic. I think this is more a question of intent: we'd prefer the forum not just be lists of plain old ads, but requests for help or efforts to engage others in a discussion about working together are welcome. Links to your portfolio, for example, are probably fine. Links to an unrelated product or service, especially without context, less so.

    edited October 14, 2018
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    PattyJPattyJ Member Posts: 14

    Ok, my apologies.

    edited October 14, 2018
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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    No need to apologize at all! I appreciate your help and I think we're on the same page.

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