
Remove Account "Expense Reimbursement Clearing" from Chart of Accounts > Liabilities

tristtrist Member Posts: 3

I've accidentally added the wrong account "Expense Reimbursement Clearing". I can't change it's name and can't remove it. Can you tell me how to do this?


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    Michelle_AMichelle_A Member Posts: 45 admin

    @trist Thanks for bringing this to our attention. So, this is a known issue in the current version of the software you are using and, I am sorry to say it, but right now there are no workarounds that will remove this from your Chart of Accounts. In saying that, we are still in the process of migrating accounts over to our new platform, where this issue has been fixed. I regret that there is no immediate resolution here but, once you're migrated, this won't be a problem! There is no concrete date for when all accounts will be moved over, but I recommend keeping your eyes peeled for when this happens.

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    wave_anon232wave_anon232 Member Posts: 2

    It's been a few years. Can we remove an "expense account" in the "chart of accounts"?

    I accidentally added personal health insurance in the operating expense when it should have been in the "owners draw"


    edited February 7, 2022
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